Recieved this email from my boss?

2016-08-09 4:26 pm
Dear Amanda,

We regret to inform you that we have decided to remove you from our management team. As a manager it is your daily responsibility to make sure the restaurant is operating smoothly. We recieved a complaint from Gerald Tooter and Sarah Feinberg about your innapropriate way of "bossing" them around. A chain is as strong as it's weakest link, with Susan, Phillipa, Rodney, and Martha on the team we decided you were not qualified or mature enough to continue on the team. I will personally offer you a position as a regular sales rep, with certain punishments for abuse of power, cursing, and tardiness during your management position. The consequences will go into effect immediatly and are: Instead of a regular 40 minute lunch, you will get 25. Your salary will be decreased from 12.00 an hour to 9.25, no access to the employee lounge and you will be the designated bathroom cleaner every day. Please let us know if you would like to continue and note if you do not we know you have been here 14 years and if you put us on your resume and we are asked for a reference we will deny or give negative feedback.

Thank you for the understanding and hope you continue to be a part of the team,


回答 (11)

2016-08-09 4:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Does Jerry Tooter fart a lot?

Nice trolling.
2016-08-09 4:39 pm
I don't see a question here. Looks more like a piece of fiction to me.

But IF the question is, can an employer do this? If you are a non-union employee, yes.
2016-08-09 4:33 pm
Troll, what exactly is your question? You didn't actually ask one.
2016-08-09 11:35 pm
troll alert
2016-08-09 10:15 pm
so the management is taking the word of two other employees without even allowing you to defend yourself,
this sounds like a really inappropriate reaction to what could very well be jealousy on the part of the complainers
this sounds to me like you have been fired and if you want a job there, you will take this menial job at much less pay and far different responsibilities, as a new hire, someone with 14 yrs experience
2016-08-09 4:38 pm
...and your question is? Quit and move on, don't expect a positive reference (they don't have to give one), if they're the full organization there's no one really to appeal to, and if their assessment of your behaviour is correct, this demotion is very much with cause.
2016-08-11 12:12 am
If you want to quit, go ahead and do so.
2016-08-09 6:20 pm
Jerry Tooter is my boyfriend. We like to get down and dirty!
2016-08-09 4:27 pm
2016-08-09 4:39 pm
I'd take that to a lawyer.
2016-08-09 4:28 pm
Omg! Do not accept this!! Talk to HR or someone higher. They have to give a reference. They cant refuse. They cant designate you as a cleaner. Or dock pay just like that. Also they should have a face to face meeting not via email

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