I joined the army and I m supposed to leave soon.?

2016-08-09 3:35 pm
I joined the army in may and it s been hurdle after hurdle and I leave soon I ve been waiting months and my motivation is gone and I m starting to regret signing a piece of paper giving up four years of my life I still have a chance to get out but I would be back to square one no money or job and I have worked so hard to get to this point and I have have finally meet a really good guy and I don t want to leave the relationship but if I give it up and he turns out to be like all the other crappy guys out there I would be an idiot I need advice what should I do.

回答 (2)

2016-08-09 3:54 pm
I would strongly discourage dropping out over a guy, unless you think that the guy will provide you with money on the first and 15th every month for the next four years and is going to provide you with the money you need to get through 36 months of college without having to pay back thousands in student loans.

Other than that, a lot of people get worried about shipping. It isn't the most common thing in the world to enlist with no worries.
2016-08-09 3:47 pm


he's in the air force, not army. but, he did a completely different job then he wanted too initially in the air force and still made the best of his enlistment.

there are plenty of opportunities to do while in the military, both home and abroad. you just gotta go out and find them.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:26:02
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