Do you play Pokemon Go?

2016-08-09 2:54 pm
Literally every 4 steps you see someone playing Pokemon go :)

回答 (62)

2016-08-10 6:23 am
I downloaded it and reached level 9. It's a cool game, but now I don't really feel like walking to progress in a game.
2016-08-13 1:54 am
Well the game came out while I was on vaction with a bunch of friends I had at first met online. So I played it for a about week and it was really fun at the time. When I came back home I realized how boring it is to do it by yourself and just stopped altogether. Real pokemon games are better anyway.. it was just fun at the time with them.
2016-08-09 3:05 pm
Yep! Trying to evolve my Eevee!
2016-08-12 3:31 pm
I don't play Pokemon Go. I like Pokemon, but I just don't play that game.
2016-08-12 6:05 pm
2016-08-12 5:59 pm
Yes #TeamMystic
2016-08-12 4:24 pm
I've walked 44k in the past 10 days, shows my small amount of dedication compared to other people who walked 111k on the first week
2016-08-10 11:07 pm
Yes Its awsome
2016-08-11 9:07 pm
Got to 21 during the peak hype. It's died down slowly and the excessive sudden rain isn't helping much either.
2016-08-11 11:56 am
I do not play the game yet but I am going to soon. You too should trh it. Its a REALLY great game but you will need internet data...And you'll hav to watch out fr vehicles and forbidden areas when you r playing the game.
2016-08-09 5:07 pm
Despite being a pretty big fan of Pokemon, I've not played it and I don't plan to either. My phone is incompatible with the app and it's Pay As You Go with no internet/data.
2016-08-09 3:16 pm
I want to play ut I do not want to pay fr a cell phone every month plus the cell phone itself when I can just use my ipod ap and make free phone calls. When I win the lotto, I will get a cellphone and begin paying.
2017-03-06 7:03 pm
參考: Binary Market Secure Success
2016-10-10 12:36 am
I use too but stop at level 5. I play it no more because I got bored of it lol.
2016-09-28 9:44 pm
I've been playing it from around the time it came out in the US. I've seen the app grow and evolve. The once unstable servers are now stable. I was intending to join Team Mystic, but my sister put me on Team Valor. Back in mid-July, I woke up to discover that either PoodleCorp or OurMine, two breakout hacking groups, DDOSed the servers and witnessed PoodleCorp fail its promise. PoodleCorp wanted to DDOS the game for a whole 24 hours on August 1st, but hackers retaliated and hacked their botnet, known as the PoodleStresser, a spin on Lizard Squad's LizardStresser, used in 2014 to DDOS PSN and Xbox Live for several days. PoodleCorp is a branch of Lizard Squad, so the two work together. They would tell Keemstar, that they hack because they can, they like causing chaos, and that "chaos is entertainment." OurMine hacks as part of security testing and uses it as a business scheme, to earn big money, in selling cybersecurity services. The CEO of Google, Facebook, and Twitter were among their victims. Moving on from data on hackers and back to Pokemon GO, the struggle of finding Pokemon has become realer than ever. With PokeVision shut down and a broken tracking system, it makes finding Pokemon more difficult than ever. Despite that, Niantic has been able to keep players engaged, especially with the Appraisal and Buddy Systems implemented in previous updates. There is also plans to implement trading, trainer battles, and Generation II Pokemon. Which one will be selected, only time will tell, but I stuck with it, and am still enjoying it.
2016-08-16 1:59 am
I left course I do. Not only that it is fun but also Nintendo has finally made a game where it makes people go out and socialize and make new friends. Normally games can't really do that.
2016-08-15 6:17 pm
The fact that it distracts players and thus causing injuries and in hardly some cases involving death????...its a big NO-NO...
2016-08-15 6:28 am
2016-08-14 6:04 pm
yep got tons of them from the city next to where i Live :)
2016-08-14 4:30 pm
Time-wasting, nope.
2016-08-14 11:34 am
I play it and pokemon yellow. Have leaf green and fire somewhere. These three I still play on my gameboy
2016-08-14 9:00 am
No. Pokémon is stupid and I wish it wouldn't exist
2016-08-14 6:22 am
I will if it gets fixed. The company that made it, Niantic, should have fixed the problems it has before releasing it.
2016-08-14 2:59 am
2016-08-14 1:49 am
2016-08-14 1:21 am
I RAN OUT OF GOD DAM DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so not currently
2016-08-14 12:57 am
I do!
2016-08-14 12:38 am
Yeah but I have not played it for A while
2016-08-13 11:21 pm
2016-08-13 10:59 pm
2016-08-13 9:48 pm
2016-08-13 4:29 pm
2016-08-13 7:35 am
Yes I do, but not to the crazy extent which some people do. Just casually :)
2016-08-13 7:19 am
of course
2016-08-13 4:27 am
Yes I do
2016-08-13 2:46 am
its just an excuse to go out, exercise and possibly get mugged.
2016-08-13 2:27 am
2016-08-12 10:59 pm
Have it but haven't gotten around to playing it very much. I live in the country so I don't see many people play here lol
2016-08-12 10:06 pm
Im ashamed haha, but yeah
2016-08-12 8:15 pm
Yes level 21 now ???? I started playing Pokémon at fifth grade, HGSS until ORAS and Go. *sigh* i wish I could've been born earlier to get gameboys and the older pokemon games.
2016-08-12 6:23 pm
2016-08-12 5:15 pm
no. you can't even battle.
2016-08-12 2:56 pm
2016-08-12 7:24 am
no i'm not
2016-08-12 7:21 am
2016-08-12 12:10 am
No not really
2016-08-11 10:57 pm
no its a waste of time
2016-08-11 10:54 pm
2016-08-11 8:24 pm
No. Waste of time.
2016-08-11 11:17 am
No, but everyone I know does!
2016-08-11 4:17 am
No, I prefer catching them all the old school way–on my Nintendo DS and emulators. I am the champion of Kanto after all...
2016-08-10 12:01 pm
Not yet, lots of stuff to be fixed and evolved... I am just waiting it to be better.
2016-08-10 10:44 am
Not yet.
2016-08-10 8:07 am
Yessss! Lol i love it
2016-08-10 7:23 am
2016-08-09 8:30 pm
Weird...I just took five steps and didn't see someone playing it.
2016-08-09 7:42 pm
2016-08-09 6:36 pm
Nope, my phone is too weak to handle the game and I'm also too lazy to explore the world.
2016-08-09 3:56 pm
Yeah. Gives me something to do at work.
2016-08-12 2:48 am
I take four steps in the house and I don't see people playing it
2016-08-11 6:27 pm
Ive got the app and its okay but i dont really go out much so im thinking of unintelling it, it takes up a lot of battery and I had to get rid of a lot of apps to prevent my phone from going from 100% - 0% within a hour
2016-08-10 1:07 pm
I don't like Pokemon games.

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