what is planet X?

2016-08-09 12:38 pm
hello so these day all i'm seeing on the internet is people talking about planet X, and it will pass by the earth on august 2016, which is this month, and it will harm the earth, and i heard that it will hit the earth, and there will be aliens on it, and they will shoot lazer and sh.it.and the government is hiding something about it. but i don't think that's true. i just want to know what is planet X, what is it real that it will pass by? and shake the earth? thank you.

回答 (13)

2016-08-09 1:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Planet X?

it doesn't exist.

well, its a little more complicated than that, but

it doesn't exist.

originally, "Planet X" was something an astronomer supposed might exist outside of the orbit of Neptune, to explain some strange numbers they got computing the orbits of the outer two gas giants. I mean, by observing, Uranus was a little bigger than Neptune, but Neptune was acting heavier.

When Voyager flew by in the 80s, it was determined that, yes, indeed, Neptune WAS a little heavier than they thought. Mystery solved... or was it?

In about 1994 a REAL NUTTER named Nancy Lieder announced that she had been abducted by a Flying Saucer and was in mental communication with some aliens that lived on Planet X. Since it was totally bogus, few paid her any mind, but she latched onto the writings of Zach Stickpin (only slightly less nutty) who claimed that the Ancient Sumerians (whose writings only HE could interpret) wrote about a planet that had a very long orbit of about 3600 years, which he called Nibiru. Nancy saw that Stickpin's claim that Nibiru would be back in 2075 wasn't making HER any money, so she said Nibiru was Planet X and that it was really coming back MUCH SOONER. In 2003.

Yes, 2003. So, why are we all hearing about it again in 2012?

ANOTHER mystery!

Basically, a nutter named Jose Arguelles (the one that thinks he is a reincarnated Mayan Priest from the 5th century... AND the one that tried to sue the UN... yeah, him) wrote about how the Mayan calendar "ended" in 2012 and how we were all gonna die! Well, all the rest of the Mayan scholars disagreed but here we are... proving that people will believe almost anything!

But why, you ask, are we waiting for Planet X in 2012 when it already missed its visit in 2003? Simple. None of the Hoaxers ever thought you would LOOK IT UP.

Did you?
2016-08-09 12:52 pm
You want the truth? Look up in the sky. If Planet X/Nibiru was going to hit the Earth this month, being the size that it is supposed to be, it would be so large at this point that you could see it with your eyes and have absolutely no mistake that it was a planet heading toward us. Do you see such a planet in the sky heading toward us?
2016-08-09 6:10 pm
Go look up into the sky on any given night. You'll likely see a planet or two - Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are regularly visible and easy to see. When we are closer or farther from Venus or Mars, can you tell the difference here on Earth, any unusual shaking? Of course not.

Now more importantly, do you see Planet X? Does anyone claiming it exists provide instructions for where you should look? If you can't see it, it is much smaller or much farther away than Venus or Mars. If they don't shake the Earth, why would something smaller or farther away shake it? And if it is close enough to actually affect us, where is it, why can't we see it?
2016-08-09 2:38 pm
There is supposedly a planet X - though it doesn't stand for 10, seeing as Pluto is not now considered a planet. Outside the Kuiper belt there is supposedly a massive planet in elliptical orbit around our sun. It is presumed to be a planet and so dark and distant that it cannot be seen. Even the Voyager craft are unlikely to encounter it because the time it takes to get there would see it completely dead of any power. To quote Wikipedia: In 2016 further work showed this unknown distant planet is likely on an inclined, eccentric orbit that goes no closer than about 200 AU and no further than about 1600 AU from the Sun. The orbit is predicted to be anti-aligned to the clustered extreme trans-Neptunian objects. Because Pluto is no longer considered a planet by the International Astronomical Union, this new hypothetical object has become known as Planet Nine.

It is supposed to be around 10 times the mass of Earth and probably a gas giant.
2016-08-09 12:41 pm
Planet X is also called Nibiru
It was supposed to originally pass the Earth in December 2012, with lots or predictions, fuzzy photos proclaiming it arriving etc......then it didn't
Now they're just rehashing the same stories.
2017-02-20 7:48 am
參考: End Times Prediction http://givitry.info/EndTimesProphecy/?wh2o
2016-08-09 5:01 pm
Planet X is an internet hoax that's been doing the rounds since before the 2012 doomsday scam. In fact it got confused with Nibiru and planet X / Nibiru has now become one single hoax. Some rogue planet is coming to destroy us blah blah blah with out a shred of evidence to back it up.

All I need to say about it is if something as big as a planet was going to wipe us out this month surely we'd be able to see it in the sky by now?
2016-08-09 4:51 pm
A conspiracy theory that says earth is on collision course with a Comet astroid meteor it all bs.
2016-08-09 4:24 pm
Go out on a clear night and look at the sky. Do you see any planet-sized objects that shouldn't be there? Didn't think so. If a planet-sized was somehow hit us within a month it would be just as prominent in the sky as the Moon. We couldn't miss it.

Every night all over the world professional and amateur astronomers point their telescopes at the sky. Just about every astronomer's wet dream is to find a previously unknown comet or an asteroid. And they find them, hundreds every year. Do you think that someone would have seen something by now?

When you say that you are "these day all i'm seeing on the internet(sic)" I assume you are talking about YouTube or something similar. Let me explain how the YouTube works. People post videos on YouTube without any peer or editorial review. They can post anything they want: kittens falling asleep, a bride pushing a piece of wedding cake into the groom's face, dash-cam videos of car accidents and near misses. It doesn't matter how cute or disturbing or nutty the video is. If the video gets enough hits advertisers take notice and pay the owners of the video to place ads in the video. The more hits - the more ad money they get. There are people making decent money by posting videos, any videos, so long as they attract traffic. If the video that claims that the end of the world is going to happen any day now attracts traffic - that's what they will post. And if you're gullible enough to believe the video - shame on you.
2016-08-09 2:45 pm
Anything the size of a planet, and close enough to hit earth within the next three weeks, WILL BE VISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE at this time. It will be the size of the moon OR BIGGER.

So, go outside, and look in the sky. If you see a BIG ball that is not the Sun or the Moon, the Planet X is going to hit you.

If you see NOTHING except the sun and the moon, then you will know that PLANET X DOES NOT EXIST.

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