The percentage of female graduates choosing education professions was the same as the percentage choosing professions in medicine.?

2016-08-09 8:11 am

可以說...was the same with the percentage...嗎?


我指的是把as 換成with,可不可以

回答 (3)

2016-08-11 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
The same as (O)
The same with (X)
2016-08-09 10:58 am
The percentage of female graduates choosing education professions was the same as choosing medicine as their preference-----(use possessive form of they=" their" for percentage and professions).
2016-08-09 9:59 am
The percentage of female graduates choosing the educational profession was the same as the one choosing the medical.

英文有不重複的習慣,通常要用代名詞來代替重複的名詞,所以宜用the one來代替the percentage of femal graduates的第二次出現。

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 21:30:53
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