is every love a pity or not?

2016-08-09 7:27 am

回答 (2)

2016-08-09 8:17 am
anysinger sing " love is the seed of tears"
why summer is legible to every women?
really, they enjoys and breathes that hot air.
aleady, the season of expouser of every women is gone, more attractive season is coming soon.
from today, my skin and blood is excited and interesteing that cool mood.
why hundred of womens makes up and wears in turn according to weather.
exactly, that phenomenon was due to hot air.
hence, does every wome likes wearing bikini often.
this summer was crowded many tourists in east beach.
so, women visited further sea and enjoying suntan.
indeed, women will look forward to come next summer like this one.
surely, summer may be women's season,
also, one of expouser..
why numberless of dramas or songs is poured out throuhg tv.
and , also why scene or lyrics was suggesred to tv-watchers.
perhaps, summer musr be a vital season not suggestive.
to wear and expose linjerie can be women's right or duty from the starting of mankind.
because to be women outside the world was not a scrape of clthes but weather.
why people call ' spring is the season of women'
if so that,
every women's fshions and times must foloow that weather.
why hot summer is legible to women's tasting,
because of to be an blame or mockery object.
please, before gone today, welcome near its' seashore,

don't keep a your qualithy
and, throw your outlooks out
if so that
between a quiet moonlight
two soul will be together One
2016-08-09 7:27 am
no its not

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:32:46
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