anarchy is riots are common they can get worse you could become a police state because you are all armed exactly the reason you have them for to stop today it is impossibly to organise anything without being found out you are trapped anyway you are like Germany 1930s the crooks get to the top you can see it before your very eyes but scared to admit it
Interconnection is good - the more it interconnects, the more bonds are created.
Anything is possible, but is it likely? Not very.
As you said, society is far more interconnected now, and attitudes to war and violence have changed. While sure, we still have wars on a regular basis, we are moving away from them as the default strategy- in the past, you went to war simply for the glory of victory. That's largely no longer the case in the modern world. Likewise, no modern state government in the USA is seriously planning to secede or go to war, and that's not likely to change.
We live it now. Between black racism towards whites, whites racism towards blacks, cops on blacks, pharmaceutical wars with infectious diseases manufactured and sold as mental illness, poisoned food, poor water quality, poor air quality. Obesity and raised cost of liviIng.
No, it's just a lunatic fantasy of a bunch of right-wing Trumporrhoids.
StormCloudsGathering calls for a Second American Patriotic Revolution in his clips,thats all i know.
Not something like the American Civil War from 1861-1865. States choosing up sides and going to battle is not likely. But there are those here in the United States that would like to foment a major intersection. The current war on the police is an indications of attempts to stir up an active race-war.
On the same scale? I doubt it. But possible. for one thing, we have much better control of disease, a much stronger armed force, a much better ambulance, emergency med system; a much better system for handling dead bodies, but we do have a much more ignorant president who forgot he's half-white.
Possible, yes, but the federal government is so much more powerful now that it could resort to legal methods to bring the states back into line. Secessionists could be called traitors, and arrested to stand trial. Secession would be a shock to the economy of any state that did it,and some states are too weak to sustain such a shock. Texas is the big concern here, but Texas can be blockaded and Texans themselves might fight a civil war. Texans are a violent and crazed bunch of fanatics. I always expect the worst of them.