Dad's wife baby shower?

2016-08-09 5:39 am
SO long story short.. my parents are divorced since i was 3. i've lived with my mom since. my dad has been pretty shitty (another long story). but i still love him cause he's my dad. he got married in the past few years and now his wife is pregnant and will be giving birth soon. i am 21. the baby will be my first sibling and the age gap is obviously huge. but i really want to be part of this baby's life. but my dad's wife has multiple times kept him from doing things with me in the course of 4 years. i haven't seen his wife in 2 years. but now there is a baby shower for her and i have been going back and forth on whether or not i should go?! i know she doesn't like me but i want to be there for this baby especially since my dad and his wife are 50 and 41 years old. awkwardness all around. SO GO OR NO GO?

回答 (5)

2016-08-09 5:44 am
If you Have been invited and you want to go... Go!
2016-08-09 5:51 am
your daddy and his new wife DO NOT have a big age gap, 9 years is NOTHING. so where do u see awkwardness in that is beyond me. and if u want to spend time with your daddy and baby excluding his wife as u wanted before of course she will be against it. it u want to be in his baby's life u should spend time ALL TOGETHER. him, her, new baby and u. then she will warm up to u. so buy a present, go to baby shower and BE NICE. if u talk to her NICE and stop trying to edge yourself between them of course she will like u. why wouldn't she
2016-08-09 6:24 am
If you have been invited go, and bring an olive branch with your present. If you haven't been invited, don't go, and instead ask out step mommy for lunch to make your peace with her.
2016-08-09 5:44 am
Sounds like is wife his an asshole. Anyways, in my opinion I think you should go.
2016-08-09 8:43 am
Do not go if his wife do not invite ypu bc she feel danger as he may go back to your mom.

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