My dad is French and my mum is Swedish. Am I Latino/ Latin (same thing?) or just an white European?

2016-08-08 10:21 pm

回答 (27)

2016-08-09 3:22 pm
No, Latinos are from Latin America. French and Swedish don't belong to the category. They're both ethnicities from European countries, even though most "Latinos" have Spanish in them, which is in Europe, they also have Native in them too. You're just European.
2016-08-08 10:37 pm
You are French and Swedish.
You are not Latino.
2016-08-10 7:31 pm
You're a European. You dont have latine roots!
2016-08-08 10:57 pm
No, Latin and Latino are not the same least not in the contemporary usuage.

Historically, European Latins are Southern Europeans who share a common ancient Roman history. People from France, Italy, Spain and Portugal were all considered Latin at one time. "Latino" is "Latin" in Italian and Spanish.

The current usuage however, refers to people of any race or nationality whose ancestry lies within Latin America. Many Latinos have little to no European ancestry. They're only called Latinos because of the Spanish and Portuguese colonization of the New World.
2016-08-11 6:07 pm
Wow, some people think that in order to be "latino" you need to be brown! woww... so what about argentinians, those people are white, aren't they latinos?

"Latino" could refer to people who speak a language based on latin such as french, portuguese, italian, etc, therefore people from those nations are latinos..People from south america are "latinos" since they speak latin based languages such as spanish and portuguese, they aren't "latino" because of their indigenous blood. Therefore, since your dad is french, I'd say that you're partially latino, but i would need to know if you're fluent in french.
2016-08-10 9:18 pm
Legally you are whatever your passport says you are. Vulgarly you are whatever your contacts decide your are. Ethnicity is a purely subjective social construct. Anthropologically,there is no generally accepted classification, although an 1899 tripartite division according to skull shape would make you a cross between the Nordic (typical of Swedes): dolichocephalic or long skulled,, tall in stature, and possessed of fair or ginger hair, blue eyed and pale skinned.and either the Alpines the central race were round-skulled (or brachycephalic), stocky in stature, and possessed intermediate hair, eye and skin color, found over most of France and the
Mediterranean – members of the southern race: long-skulled (or dolichocephalic), short/medium in stature, and possessed dark hair, and eyes and slightly darker skin, found in souther France. An alternative classification based on blood types divides the races of Europe on an East-West rather than a North-South basis, but bothe these classifications have been challenged by new ones based on DNA. .
Alpine – members of
2016-08-09 11:10 am
In my experience, "Latino" applies only in the USA, to people from Central or South America who have some Spanish or Portuguese ancestry, but whose families have been in the Americas for many generations.

Nobody of such origins is described as "Latino" in Britain. The description "Latin" would be very rarely seen, probably only in very academic circles to denote early ancestry.

You are European. Probably the "white" part optional.
2016-08-09 5:26 pm
Latinos are mainly mestizos from Mexico down through Central and South America. You are white European of French/Swedish ancestry.
2016-08-11 10:23 am
You are French and Swedish not Latin
2016-08-10 7:24 pm
No matter what you say, someone will argue about it. "Latino" is a word used for self-identification by some people who don't know what the word "Latin" meant. I am of French descent and liked to be called a "Latin Lover." These same people call me an "Anglo." I am not sure if they are trying to insult me or are just ignorant. It's something like calling a Portuguese person a Sp*c. or a German a "Hun." It is an insult for the wrong country. I was once talking with some people discussing Latino actors and somebody mentioned Banderas. Someone shouted, "He's no Latino, he's a Spaniard." Some people are deadly serious about this so watch out: I don't use the word, Latino or the word, *****r. People may refer to themselves that way, but I don't think others can use the terms without offending someone.

"The only illegal aliens in the Americas are people who came from Europe!" "Pope, stay in the Vatican where you belong! Take Junipero with you."
¡Viva Zapata!
2016-08-10 10:24 am
You may call yourself a Caucasian.
2016-08-09 7:36 pm
You are either a man or a woman.The rest does not matter.There is no such thing as American English.It is the same language world wide as taught at schools and in print..Local dialects and accents may differ but they are not taught at school.
2016-08-08 10:28 pm
French and Swedish?? Where the hell are you getting Latino??
2016-08-08 10:21 pm
ur a mexican
2016-08-09 12:01 am
You are French/Swedish.
2016-12-01 3:40 pm
well, why would you imagine you were latino? latinos have spanish roots...
2016-08-18 4:54 am

__ Latin __

They all stem from LATIN.

Your ancestors (of your father) probably spoke Latin.

I have no idea where

latino = Spanish and Portuguese --came from, but I would say you are 'latino'
2016-08-16 1:02 am
Well of course French is a romance language derived from Latin just as Spanish is. So I don’t think it would be incorrect for you to refer to yourself as Latino.

In American English the word “Latino” really does not have a precise definition. For example, we have immigrants from Central America who speak native American languages which are not Spanish. Yet they are referred to as “Latino.” If that can happen a person who is French certainly is is just as as Latino.
2016-08-13 2:56 pm
Latino is for Spanish people.

Both of your parents are from a European country.

Your European, in detail your half French/Swedish.

But simply tell people your European
2016-08-13 11:42 am
where did you get latino from? lol
2016-08-12 8:26 pm
Latino is not an ethnicity, it just means Latin American and somehow in the US they assumed Latin Americans are short people with brown skin.
In Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, southern Brazil most people are white and still Latin Americans. You're a Latin American of european descent. The US should stop inventing terms
2016-08-12 4:53 am
You are a white.
2016-08-11 10:38 pm
you might be chinese
2016-08-11 7:20 pm
You're half French/Swedish. (You're lucky!)
2016-08-11 12:30 pm
Where did you get Latino from? lol
2016-08-11 10:18 am
How would you think you were at all Latino?!

No. No. No.
2016-08-11 7:23 am
You are French and Swedish. That's it. Its in your blood. Dont let any company or government entity tell you different.

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