can someone tell me what the seniors are going to do if the president stops social security and medicare?

2016-08-08 9:16 pm

回答 (7)

2016-08-08 9:33 pm
No one is going to stop SS or Medicare so don't worry about it.
Do you know what will happen if they did that? there will be hell to pay for sure!!
You will see Seniors all over fighting and heading for the White House protesting..
Do you really think they want us out in the streets? I don't think so.

To answer your post below here, they have said that for many years and that money we paid into the system is OURS..the government borrow money from that system and THEY need to pay it back with nterest!!
2016-08-08 9:28 pm
Mrs Clinton is not going to stop social security nor medicare.
2016-08-08 10:19 pm
Social Security and Medicare wont be terminated. Many Congress members are on both. They will weed out fraud and possibly reduce or eliminate SSI and other programs under the SSA or have some restrictions on Medicare.
2016-08-08 9:33 pm
The President decides? I wasn't aware the US was a dictatorship
2016-08-08 9:32 pm
is it true that if social security is stopped there will be nothing that anyone can do about it, not even Congress? and why do the politicans keep saying that the money that we paid into his system is not ours? they didn't put it there for us we did, every week, every two weeks or every month depending on how we were getting paid. or was this a way of getting free money to do as they saw fit to do what they wanted to do with it? it is not right if our government do this to us. its not fair for them to just drop us like this. please i want someone to answer with intelligent answers please because this is not a game. the government will be dealing with real people lives not robots.
2016-08-08 9:21 pm
Surely accommodations at the fema camps will be available.
2016-08-08 9:17 pm
Die in the streets. Hopefully, the government will get off its *** and turn these old dead people into something useful like Soylent Green.

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