How often does a 37year woman have sex?

2016-08-08 9:28 am

回答 (6)

2016-08-09 8:48 pm
with her husband as much as she wants
2016-08-08 9:08 pm
As often as she wants
2016-08-08 9:51 am
Doesn't matter abut the age, if you want to have sex. You only lives once and should be the most of it, and its easier for women to get it for mean so theirs your bonus.
2016-08-08 9:38 am
wow, there is no magic answer for this.
in happy marriage, sure many times possible.
2016-08-08 9:32 am
as often as she can manage??? maybe not as much as she wants but we all have dreams
2016-08-08 9:53 am
As often as she likes. Women in their 30s are in the prime of their life and many feel very horny very often.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:33:03
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