is there such a thing as a haircut called a bald fade fohawk or shadow fade fohawk?

2016-08-08 7:59 am

回答 (5)

2016-08-08 8:22 am
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Sure, if a guy wants to attribute those names to a faux hawk with a specific type of short taper on the back and sides. That doesn't mean the barber or stylist will exactly know the haircut being requested, That is why it is always best to use photos to describe a specific style to a barber or stylist. Even standard styles like an ivy league or crew cut are best described with photos because these terms can be variously interpreted by different barbers. The general idea with guy's medium to short styles is to maximize and minimize the volume of hair in various areas of the head to create the illusion of an oval face shape, considered the ideal shape, with a somewhat more boxy than rounded skull shape when the face is viewed from the front and in side profile, a somewhat more rounded than boxy skull shape at the back of the head.
"Oval: The oval face is the ideal shape. It is designated as the "egg" shape. It is wider at the forehead and tapers to a well rounded chin. This type of face looks equally becoming with hair worn low or high on the head; and likewise, either a center or side part or no part at all is becoming. depending somewhat on other facial characteristics."
L.S. Trusty, "The Art and Science of Barbering" pg129.
A good barber can usually design a regular haircut or one of the short pomp(pompadour) styles-crew cut, ivy league(long crew cut), flat top crew cut- to fully suit most young guys. In contrast, relatively few guys fully suit a butch, brush cut(long butch) or burr(short butch.) The main difference between a short pomp style and a butch, burr, brush cut is that a butch, burr, brush cut is a uniform short length on top while the top hair of a short pomp style is longest at the front hairline and graduates shorter in length to the crown which allows a barber to design a short pomp style to fully suit most combinations of male skull shape, frontal hairline, face shape etc Most girls are fine with whatever standard medium to short style a guy chooses to wear as long as the style fully suits and is kept clean and looking well groomed and the guy doesn't spend a lot of time on his hair. If a guy wants to go to a shorter style for the summer or one of his sporting activities, that is fine with most girls too even when she prefers that he wear a somewhat longer style. Around here most high school and college guys are wearing regular haircuts with long tapers on the back/sides, though since last summer a not insignificant number have switched to regular haircuts with medium or semi-short tapers on the back/sides, ivy leagues or crew cuts and recently some have been growing out to regular haircuts with extra long tapers on the back/sides. Starting from a butch or short crew cut, a guy can grow out his hair and have it look great as it grows out if he keeps up with haircuts, getting a slightly longer style each haircut. Assuming an average rate of hair growth of 1/8" per week and haircuts every three weeks, the following styles are a haircut apart: butch, short crew cut; medium crew cut; short ivy league; ivy league; long ivy league; short regular haircut, regular haircut. A photo is the best way to describe a style to a barber or stylist.
2016-08-08 8:00 am
i love great hair
2017-03-01 2:50 am
Short hair is as well mainstream, I love lOng hair on guys more, it looks sexy: 3 short hair can look nice however it looks really common
2017-01-20 1:53 pm
I've had mid-back to waist length tresses most of my life.
2016-12-21 5:27 am
參考: Hairloss Treatments

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