I'm just really afraid? Too much stress and can't just relax?

2016-08-08 1:08 am
I feel scared because I have depression and I feel like I might kill myself, and it makes my anxiety way worse because when I expose it to myself, I get a nauseous feeling so I definitely don't wanna do it. I have thoughts like 'Because of this anxiety, I can't make smart, good decisions anymore' or handle things rationally.

I've lost and fluctuated my weight between 136 down to 118-21. I eat regularly and have portioned meals every time and eat as much as I can, which is most of the plate or bowl, yet I'm still underweight. And the worry is confusing me so so much, but I can't let this go! )':

I don't feel like there's a real future for me, since I'm so stuck. I want to help myself but the thoughts tell me I can't, and when I come back at the thought with something positive, I don't trust it, I feel just really bad and I keep getting dissociated and it's really scary. I want to stop this and be healthy and happy and work toward my future, though I feel like the depression is going to come back. It makes me think things like giving up and life doesn't matter, but it DOES. I want to stay alive and LIVE IT, but I get flashes of me harming myself or others and I stop again. It's gotten too big and I want it all to go away. I ask my parents but the thoughts come back saying that I shouldn't and that they don't really care enough but I know they do!!😔 Same with my therapist, and I feel horrible, like I'm the worst person in the world. I am NOT BAD or violent, please help

回答 (3)

2016-08-09 7:04 pm
First and most important, tell your therapist how you feel and listen carefully to this person's advice.

There's a very encouraging finding in the treatment of depression and anxiety. For years, people have been speculating about whether or not meditation and mindfulness in daily life, which are good for stress management and preventing depression, are good for treating cases of major depression. Recently, two psychiatrists, Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg, have written a book about a 3-way mind-body approach to mental health that combines mindfulness meditation with slow body movement and yoga breathing. Their book is The Healing Power of the Breath. The authors have published 6 papers on breathing exercises and mental health and use these in their work. The evidence suggests that this is an important advance in treating anxiety and depression.

If you breathe slowly, through the nose, with a hand on your abdomen to feel it go in and out, 5 breaths a minute, about 4 seconds inhale and 4 seconds exhale, for 20 minutes, that should make you feel better. They say that doing the 20- minute exercise twice a day is an actual treatment for anxiety and depression.

There is some evidence that Tai Chi exercise helps children with ADHD. You can learn with one or two beginner's videos on YouTube.

If you're interested in meditation, I suggest learning about PalouseMindfulness, an online version of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) that is recognized by universities and mental health professionals and is absolutely free. MBSR was the subject of a Time magazine cover article, "The Mindful Revolution," in Jan., 2014. It has been validated by literally hundreds of studies.

If you'd like a good source on the basic lifestyle choices that help with stress and depression, I suggest the book by Steve Ilardi, the therapist and researcher who headed the Univ. of Kansas lifestyle-depression project. Metapsychology online has a psychologist's review of the Ilardi book ("a splendid book").
2016-08-08 2:34 am
Its a symptom of depression. It means your brain is not producing sufficient serotonin. Depression is common but easy to treat. So tell a dr. how you feel and ask for Zoloft, an excellent antidepressant.-------
It takes 2-3 wks for your body to adjust to it during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But, after that, you will become a relaxed, confident, healthy person.

Find some big happy churches, attend age-appropriate groups there and have fun. Talk with the pastor/minister. Where else can you get counseling for FREE? Remember, God loves you more than you can possibly imagine.
2016-08-08 1:26 am
Work very hard at opening up completely to your therapist. The more truthful information they know, the more they can help you. Give 110%.

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