Scholarship application help!!!?

2016-08-07 11:04 pm
I am applying for a scholarship and have to answer what life lesson has shaped my life as a student. Any feedback on what to omit because it is a few words over the limit? -->

In a society that glorifies autonomous achievement, it is difficult for us, students, to understand that success is awarded to those embrace collaboration, not reject it with narcissistic intentions. However, why accept aid if I believe I can achieve my goals unassisted? Well, as a student, I have learned that humans both reject and require social support simultaneously. I can state, with confidence, that this is especially true for students with the mentality that independence is the prerequisite for success. Personally, I had a difficulty communicating with my peers, which caused me to resort to social isolation. However, I later realized that this desire for independence was hindering my success rather than promoting it. I was thus motivated to develop my interpersonal skills, and develop a support network of individuals who aided in my success. I now rely on social support for encouragement and assistance. In the macrocosm of social interaction, it is an innate human quality to reject public support for egotistical reasons. However, the reward we crave is only possible through teamwork. Prosperity is awarded to those who can suppress their lust for superiority and accept success as a collaborative effort.

回答 (1)

2016-08-07 11:11 pm
What's your word count limit? I make this at 193. It might pare down to 165 easily enough, but 150 is going to be tough without a complete rewrite.

Your original first sentence is 29 words long. Here's the same content in 14 words: Because society glorifies autonomous achievement, students struggle to understand why those embrace collaboration succeed. [I dropped the contrasting element for the sake of word count. Leave it in and it's 22 words.]

Basically, you have to look at every sentence and figure out how to reword it to say the same thing in fewer words. It's a skill you will use all your life.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:31:25
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