What battery charger provides for 12V and 24V battery banks at the same time?

2016-08-07 7:48 pm
My boat has a 12V house bank and 24V starting bank. I need to keep the starting bank conditioned while recharging my house bank cosisting of 2 4D size batteries. 420Ah on house.

回答 (1)

2016-08-07 8:45 pm
The batteries in many 24 volt starting systems
are connected through heavy-duty relays
so that the batteries can be charged in parallel
from the 12 volt alternator.

Before you buy any charger, find out for certain
whether or not your system is as described above.

If it is, your search will become a lot easier.

Otherwise, you should get in-person assistance from a local expert
(which is not a bad idea anyway, really).

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 01:01:54
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