I feel like my relationship is loosing spark, How do I keep the spark going on?

2016-08-07 6:57 am
My boyfriend and I see each other all the time and it's my fault because i'm always wanting to be with him 24/7 and I know that I need to learn to be without him because it's starting to get boring. What should I do? What would you do? Keep in mind that I cut my friends off because they are dramatic so I don't have many friends.

回答 (2)

2016-08-07 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well you should definitely have your own life outside of your relationship. That's only healthy. It's a good feeling to miss your significant other and then finally see them because you've missed them all day. You should learn to have fun by yourself and do things that you love to do. There are many ways to keep the spark in your relationship. You can go places that you've never been together. Experience new things. Or even recreate the first date you two had together. That should make you both feel good about your relationship!
2016-08-07 7:33 am
a romantic relationship does not get boring ---- people spend their entire lives together pretty much 24/7 and its never boring ---- you dont need to learn to be without him you need to rekindle the spark ---- go out more do new things ---- talk to each other

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