Is Trump the ONLY President that could save the world from Iran?

2016-08-06 4:54 pm

回答 (7)

2016-08-06 5:22 pm
Obama has spent years materially helping Iran. Hillary would continue that policy. This policy is reminiscent of how the Soviets helped Hitler re-arm. With the likely results being just as bad. Or worse.

Trump would not continue that policy.
2016-08-06 5:00 pm
I wasn't aware the world needed to be saved from Iran
2016-08-06 4:56 pm
The only one running in this election.
2016-08-11 5:51 am
I dont know what this propaganda about the danger of Iran is, other than the Israeli lobby in the U.S. doing a splendid job of manipulating public opinion. Iran and Iranian people have no desire to engage in combat with America. That is rather ridiculous. We send $3 billion in military and financial aid to Israel every year so they can massacre Palestinians. We send $400 million one time only to Iran to rebuild their country after 35 years of deprivation. Where do you get the idea that Iran is friendly with any terrorists who are Sunni or Wahabi in Saudi Arabia?
2016-08-06 4:55 pm
If Trump is elected president, he will be the US president not the world president.
2016-08-06 5:15 pm
Trump will destroy America.
2016-08-06 4:55 pm
The only one running.

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