Soy Milk for 1 year olds.?

2016-08-06 12:27 pm
my LO is drinking soy milk as he is now 1 year old as oppose to cow's milk. how often does one give soy milk to LO? when he drank his formula it was every 3hours. what about soy milk? and how many ounces should it be? WIC said 4x a day. but my question is how many ounces and every what hours? (ex.) formula was every 3 hours. soy mikk for 1 year old is every? yes he also eats a cup of fruit a day. vegetables, drinks water etc. vegan mommies or mommies with experience hope to hear from you.. SOON. thank you.

dont want to over feed him or feed him too little.

回答 (4)

2016-08-07 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would really recommend seeing a dietitian if at all possible. Even for this age a vegan diet can be done in a healthy way, but it's more complicated than just leaving out animal products and giving your child soy milk instead of cow's milk.

Vegan diets tend to be high in carbs and low in fat, while young children actually need to get a lot of their energy in the form of fat. Other nutrients, for instance iron and vitamin B12 are also problematic.

The people at WIC know quite well what children need on a standard diet including animal products, but aren't actually specialists when it comes to alternative diets. A dietitian can help you come up with a balanced diet and recommend supplements.

If you can't afford a dietitian, I would at least recommend getting the book New Vegetarian Baby. It explains pretty thoroughly how to feed a young child well on a vegetarian or even vegan diet.
2016-08-06 3:22 pm
Soy milk is not recommended unless your child is allergic to cow's milk. With milk, it is generally recommended to drink 16-24 ounces or the equivalent per day (8 ounces of milk = 6 ounces of yogurt = 1 ounce of cheese). However, unless you are giving plain soy milk, there is a lot of sugar, and tons of soy products are not recommended because of the estrogenic effects of soy. If you are vegan and opposed to cow milk, then there is no need to try to use soy as a replacement. Milk is not actually a necessary part of the diet if you can get the nutrients from elsewhere. However, a vegan diet can be difficult for a very young child because they need large quantities of fats for proper brain myelination, and these are often difficult to obtain in a vegan diet. Please talk with your pediatrician or possibly a dietitian about how to make sure your baby is getting proper nutrients.
2016-08-06 5:03 pm
Soy milk has too many chemicals to give to 1 year olds and high in sugar, speak to your doctor
2016-08-06 12:34 pm
Ask your doctor if it's OK that he has soy milk. Unless there is an allergy they generally don't recommend anything but whole cows milk.

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