What s the different between employeer dental/vision plans and having health insurance?

2016-08-06 12:05 pm
Doesn t health insurance cover all plans including dental and vision?? Or it s completely different that s why many companies have these plan? I didn t know that s why I m asking.

回答 (11)

2016-08-06 4:47 pm
Some employer insurances cover dental & vision, but individual does not. An individual can buy dental & vision also, but it's not worth buying.
2016-08-06 2:03 pm
Most health insurance does not include dental for adults or eyeglasses for adults or contact for adults. (It may include it for children, even if it does not for adults.) It is usually separate for adults (even if it is included for children.)
2016-08-08 6:44 pm
no health insurance for the most part is entirely medical, some plans do now include chiropractic
but if you want a vision or a dental plan you will have to get this additional insurance, maybe the same company maybe a company that only offers this type of coverage
2016-08-08 4:05 pm
Dental & Vision are seperate.
2016-08-08 2:45 am
Health insurance is medical, it does not cover vision or dental but employers can choose to offer you all of those or only medical.
2016-08-07 10:44 pm
Health care plans are not required and not expected to cover dental or vision. Some do but most don't. That's why there are separate dental and vision plans.
2016-08-07 5:02 am
vision insurance is separate, dental insurance is separate, and medical insurance is separate, all have premiums.
2016-08-07 12:16 am
HEALTH INSURANCE NEVER covers Dental or vision - those are ALWAYS separate plans with different deductible and co-pays
2016-08-06 11:56 pm
Nope. Health insurance is for visiting doctors and hospital care. Some health policies come WITH dental and vision coverage; many do not.
2016-08-06 7:59 pm
employer plans are almost always much better than individual plans; they are also much less expensive because the employer is usually at least paying half the cost or more.
2016-08-06 4:14 pm
Dental, vision, and health are typically different coverages. Health plans now have to offer coverage for vision and dental as part of the plan for children, but also typically, those aren't great coverages. So, many people ignore that coverage and buy regular vision and/or dental -- with vision being something that's not very sought after since the coverages are weak. And, nobody ever lost their home from not having vision insurance to pay for their glasses.
2016-08-06 4:01 pm
Health insurance is separate from dental/vision.

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