how do i connect my windows phone to home theater system over bluetooth?

2016-08-06 5:45 am

回答 (3)

2016-08-11 8:03 am
You need a Bluetooth enabled amp that has a bluetooth receiver system in it, then follow the manual that comes with the unit.
2016-08-07 1:43 pm
If your system isn't Bluetooth capable, you can buy a Bluetooth receiver on eBay for around $10. Then you would just plug that to your sound system, and Bluetooth stream to the receiver.
2016-08-06 6:24 am
If the system is BT - capable,
simply Read The Owner's Manual
and find out how to make it connect.

If it isn't BT - capable, get an add-on BT receiver
and connect that to a line-level (aux) input on the system,
then pair the phone to the BT receiver ---
once again, Following The Included Instructions.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:25:44
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