Why do we use worthless paper for money instead of gold and silver?

2016-08-06 3:07 am

回答 (7)

2016-08-06 3:34 am
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This isn't a solid answer, but more of a theory. People have talked about the U.S. dropping the penny since it costs more than a penny to make a penny which is inefficient.
Way way back when precious metal coins were used, they valued those coins, for one reason or another so it was just like trading, then the coins started to just represent value, as in, "I worked for this product, here's proof." and now we have paper currency, which is a cheaper way of representing. And now we are moving to credit cards and "virtual" currency which does the same thing. You do a job for someone then they give you "proof" that you have done work and so deserve a certain product.

This is not necessarily backed up by anything, but just my thoughts on it.
2016-08-06 3:40 am
Cause neither is a valid medium of commerce.
Local adults might be able to explain WHY.
Put ur thinking cap on and work it out.
參考: Employer of uninformed kids
2016-08-06 8:41 pm
Because the one percent, who always take all the profits from American businesses, and who believe
they own the wage-slaves who work in their businesses, have better things to do with the genuine wealth of this
country than share it with any of us stooges.
2016-08-06 3:41 am
Who uses paper ? I use plastic.
2016-08-06 3:09 am
There is more trees in the world than gold and silver
2016-08-06 8:01 pm
What makes you imagine that paper is any more "worthless" than silver or gold?

Things only have VALUE if others TRUST they do.....the value of paper money is that your DENTIST trusts paper money and will take it in payment when you urgently need a tooth filled or pulled....

Next time you have a toothache, why don't you ask your Dentist if he/she will take some gold flakes as payment, see how that works out for you? LOL!
2016-08-06 6:05 am
Why do you think hunks of metal are better than paper, plastic (really electrons), or cowrie shells? Gold and silver coins served mankind well for many centuries, but their time is over.
2016-08-06 3:33 am
The paper represents value. We know it is not the value itself. As for gold, it has no value either except for what people say it has. As well there is not enough gold and silver on or in the earth for all the monetary needs of the people. If we stayed on the gold standard, we would be in a horrible depression for lack of money. Why should we limit human lives merely because of how much of something we dug out of the ground.

Besides, paper represents only a small fraction of money. Most money is merely data entries at banks on their computers and there is nothing physical at all.
2016-08-06 3:10 am
It's easier to use paper than bulky metal. And our currency isn't backed by gold or silver, it's value is based on the current market.

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