Help! Monitor has red and blue pixels and lines everywhere. Looks like 3D!?

2016-08-05 5:52 pm
I was playing online everything working fine then the desk I was using collapsed a bit due to the desk being collapsible the monitor falling on its side- not onto the ground or anything just onto the desk I quickly picked it up and the screen had red and blue dots everywhere and had low quality. I restarted it a few times. Checked the cords. Let it rest all night. Nothing! It is still all messed up. I just want to know what is wrong with it and how I can fix it. It s a older monitor from about 2010. I will get a new monitor if needed but I just need to know what is up .

回答 (3)

2016-08-05 7:05 pm
monitor is shot, get a new one
2016-08-05 6:27 pm
You knocked loose an internal cable or socket good luck dismantling the monitor and finding it
2016-08-05 6:04 pm
You can't fix it at this point. It's shot. Get a new one.

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