why would he want to cheat on his gf when we are all staying in the same hotel !!!!?

2016-08-05 3:22 pm

I dont understand. so many things im trying to get my head around. this couple have been togethr for years and its all fine. its not like she/ he dont give each other what they want regularly. so why did he ask me to cheat on her by sleeping with him, knowing that she is sharing his hotel room and could technically walk in any moment ????? we all know each other and id have to hang out with her all the time with guilt. i dont get. need answers to comprehend

回答 (5)

2016-08-05 3:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He wanted the added thrill of cheating. It's like how some people shoplift things they can afford to buy (or don't even want) just for the thrill of it. He's not trustworthy.
2016-08-05 3:23 pm
because boys will be boys
2016-08-05 5:35 pm
I dong v know why maybe she's cheated on him , and hes only sticking around because he doesnt wantvtiby leave her in a bad situation
2016-08-05 4:57 pm
Likely because he's a guy.
2016-08-05 3:23 pm

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