I feel so worthless...?

2016-08-05 10:05 am
I m shy and don t have many friends and never have. I mean everyone has always loved me at school because I m sweet, but I ve always felt left out because of my shyness. I don t have any talents. Everyday I feel like crying and breaking down. My boyfriend is the most popular boy at his school, and I feel jealous of him. I never had much of a childhood like him. I m 17 and he s 18... But I feel so worthless compared to him and everyone else...everyday I wonder why does a popular boy like him love a worthless girl like me so much... I don t know what to do and i feel like hurting myself.... Please help me.

回答 (2)

2016-08-07 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
stop and think this guy is popular and can have his choice of ladies and he chose you then he must see someone better than every other girl he knows or has seen ---- he wants YOU and no one else (this is school so dont expect the relationship to last which is a downer but its also the truth) ---- it does not matter what you think its how he sees you ---- you are not and never will be worthless even without a boyfriend ---- think of all the other girls that envy you and wonder what is wrong with them ---- he likes you thats all and you like him ----- accept that and enjoy being with him dont change he likes you as you are
2016-08-05 11:12 am
*clears throat*

Sure. You aren't perfect, and not many people may truly understand you, but you are clearly beating yourself up and really underestimating your value. But I might not be one to talk. In any case, I'm sure they're are thousands of girls who would love to trade places with you. I'm sure you have great potential and a destiny of your own. Your flaws and troubles are part of who you are, and if you survive them, they could help develop you into a better, stronger person.

Perhaps now, more than ever, you need to focus on the bright side.

There's no bright side? No problem.

Make a bright side; no talents? Learn a new skill, like drawing, maybe knitting, or even walking.

No friends? You have a boyfriend. If you have such a strong desire to have a freind, I'm sure you could find one. Takes guts, but if it's what you need, its what you need.

So chillax a little, and reflect on the blessings you have gotten. Don't give up! I wish you well!

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:30:04
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