Why do you think girls don't text back?

2016-08-05 4:38 am

回答 (6)

2016-08-05 4:39 am
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Assuming YOU are a guy ....
girls are always hoping to find a relationship. So if they LIKE you, they will ALWAYS text back.
And if they don't . they aren't interested in you in THAT way.
2016-08-05 5:24 am
They're not interested. Same with men. If you're really interested, you text back.
2016-08-05 4:39 am
the same reason guys dont respond ---- they are not interested
2016-08-05 5:16 am
Maybe she forgot to reply... that happens more then u think
2016-08-05 4:43 am
She's not interested. Girls will get SUPER creative when it comes to talking to guys they like. She might take a little while to respond (can't seem to eager!) but if it's too long, or if she never responds, she's not interested.
2016-08-05 4:50 am
they're not nice

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