How to lose face fat fast????

2016-08-05 1:26 am
Every morning i wake up early like 8a.m & I jog 2 miles & when I'm done I go home really sweaty. I eat a bowl of oatlmeal every morning after my jog. Also I am eating good too. I just wanna know is 2 miles enough to lose face fat really fast? Am I suppose to jog faster for better results? & Does Oatmeal help you lose weight ??

回答 (4)

2016-08-05 12:01 pm
Haven't used the whole weight loss gren store tea bottle, about a weeks worth left but it has seemed to reduce myfat. My weight has decreased and I look more defined, especially in the arms and abs.
2016-08-05 2:24 am
Drink lots of water.
2016-08-05 2:15 am
It can't happen "fast".
2016-08-05 1:58 am
Target fat loss isn't a thing and any magazine that tells you its possible is lying for monetary gain. Just keep loosing weight and your face will loose fat but your not going to be able to loose just face fat. What helps you loose weight is eating less than you burn. i have had friends loose 70 lbs without ever excising. I would recommend weight training and eat 500 calories less than what your daily maintenance calories are. Which is roughly your weight multiplied by 15.

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