
2016-08-05 1:11 am
從駕駛習慣決定保費高低 :美國汽車保險業巨頭Progressive是最早把物聯網概念引入汽車的企業之一。



回答 (2)

2016-08-05 11:24 am
From driving habits determine insurance premium: US auto giant Progressive Insurance is one of the first to introduce the concept of things automotive business.

To provide an electronic apparatus Snapshot: This electronic system is installed on-board diagnostic system beneath the dashboard, Snapshot can be obtained from the system and send traffic related data

Thus Snapshot is also chief executive of Progressive Insurance called the beginning of personal pricing "
2016-08-05 4:39 am
Ever since the amount of premium of insurance has been according to the driven habit of driver: One of American leading insurance companies known as progressive Insurance Company which had launched the concept of internet system into the Automobile Enterprises. Within that system, it will provide for the clients with electronic snapshot service which will be installed underneath the front panel board of their vehicles and the result will enable to transmit data of speed, mileage and maneuver in that snapshot. That's why snapshot has been called by the head of executive as the pioneer of customized rate for premium of insurance.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 22:55:02
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