What Should I do?

2016-08-04 8:45 pm
I applied for unemployment right after I got into a car accident and I got terminated from my job. I had my phone interview today and the interviewer said my job told them I quit because I sent my job a text that I was unable to work the same. I told the interviewer I have doctors notes and the letter of termination. He sounded annoyed but he told me to send them over. I'm afraid I won't get unemployment benefits though. anything else i should do or include with my documents before I send over? I'm so scared :(((((((((

回答 (5)

2016-08-04 8:50 pm
You TEXT your previous employer and told them you was unable to work. You did quit.

If you wanted to keep your job, you should have at least CALLED them and offered to provide them with the proper paperwork in order to utilize FMLA. (assuming you're in USA).

Unfortunately, you will probably not be receiving unemployment benefits. If the car accident wasn't your fault, maybe you can receive compensation from the offending party.

"I just needed some accommodations and my job terminated me because they thought I wasn't fit for the job anymore."

No, honey, they fired you because you text them and told them you was unable to work. You did not handle that situation properly. If you would have called and stated you was in an accident and will take some time to recover (assuming you qualified for FMLA) you could have taken time off work, without losing your job, to recover.
2016-08-04 10:26 pm
You are not entitled to unemployment, you quit your job because you could not work

Not the employers fault.

Your claim will be denied
2016-08-04 9:25 pm
If you are unable to work, you cannot get unemployment.
2016-08-04 9:04 pm
being injured disqualifies you from unemployment
2016-08-04 9:03 pm
Here u'll be living OFF ur savings.
Unemployment decision can take 6plus weeks

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