Best cities in England to visit?

2016-08-04 3:53 pm
Which ones have the best entertainment, food, fun stuff, etc.

回答 (10)

2016-08-04 8:08 pm
London, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle.
2016-08-04 4:10 pm
Depends what you're looking for. All UK cities have food and entertainment.
2016-08-04 5:38 pm
London, Brighton, Manchester....
2016-08-04 4:13 pm
London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Kingston-upon-Hull and Bristol
2016-08-06 3:51 pm
2016-08-06 7:35 am
So many choices after London.
2016-08-05 8:08 pm
It depends what you want. Of course, London is going to be top of any list because of the number of museums, monuments, parks, theatres etc. But there are other cities well worth a visit or stay, Any of the big cities will be worth a week's visit.
Smaller cities are Bath,Bristol and York. And in Scotland Edinburgh has to be considered.
2016-08-04 5:27 pm
2016-08-05 12:54 pm
Blackpool. It is the jewel in England's crown on the Irish Sea! Just ask any Blackpudlian--and if you do, please, please, please do record it and put it on YouTube.
2016-08-04 9:51 pm
london! and glasgow!

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