Has anyone reconciled with a changed abusive ex husband?

2016-08-04 1:31 pm
I left my abusive ex after 7 years together. I did everything I knew how to do but I had to leave for the sake of my daughter and for my own self-esteem. He begged me over and over again to come back and promised to change but I had heard that over and over again with the same result. I couldn't open myself up to be hurt again. Especially when I felt God call me out of that marriage and put me in a place where I was able to heal with my child. Then, a few weeks ago, my ex husband and I had a really great conversation. And he really appeared to have changed. He expressed that he still loved me and was still attracted to me. I had begun to feel those feelings too. The only thing is that he's in a relationship now. So I hate him for even saying any of that at all because now, I have these feelings that I have no idea what to do with. I asked him to consider reconciliation but he doesn't want to hurt the woman he's with. So now, I'm at a loss. I thought we could repair our relationship for our child. He asked to spend family time together with our daughter and me and I agreed and it felt right on so many levels and even he said he felt tempted but again, he didn't want to hurt his new relationship. So now, I feel sad. I was fine before. It was easier to be mad at him. Now, I feel like I'm being sucked back into a void. And on some levels, I know that I shouldn't want to go back. There was real abuse. He is still a 32 year old man living with his mom and deep. Am I just lonely?

That's what I was thinking too. I'm like, am I a masochist to participate in this family time with him? Why would he say those things to me but then, say we can just be friends. Why tell me he's tempted by me and that he has sexual thoughts about me but then, say we have to refrain from talking to each other as more than friends. It's just beyond me. I keep feeling like he's playing with my head but when I'm around him, he seems nice and normal and like he really is trying to be a good guy.

回答 (13)

2016-08-04 4:07 pm
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Yes, he's manipulating you. He tells you he loves you? But he won't leave this other woman because he doesn't want to "hurt" her. What about all the hurt he inflicted on you? If he LOVED you he wouldn't even look at another woman. He wouldn't BE with another woman. He wants to keep you on the string, mess with your head, play with you when he wants. He wants to make you want him back so he tells you about this other woman so you will want to "compete" to "win" him (like he's SUCH a prize). He wants "family time" with you so he can still have sex with you!

He needs to see his daughter only, maybe not even her! What kind of father beats his child's mother?! They should be supervised visits in a "safe" place.

Don't be taken in by this lying loser! YOU LEFT FOR A REASON. STAY GONE.
2016-08-04 1:40 pm
No, i haven't (and wouldn't) reconcile with someone who had abused me.

You say he 'appeared' to have changed? Did he get counseling or any professional help? If not, chances are very high he hasn't changed at all, he's just able to put on a good front or be fun and sweet when he chooses (which is probably how he behaved when you met him or chances are you'd never have married and procreated with him).

Let it go. That's past history and the chances are fairly high you'd be getting back into the same situation you left, if you returned to him. It's not best for your child to be raised in a home with an abuser.

Are you just lonely? You asking that question indicates that you probably are.
2016-08-04 4:48 pm
No and you should not do so. He has not "changed" - he is only saying things he knows you want to hear or think. He may be ok at first, but if you go back the same thing will happen and worse. Keep away from him and move on. Abusers never really change their spots.
2016-08-04 3:02 pm
Obviously, he has NOT changed. It is abusive to you and the other woman to stir this up. The LAST thing your daughter needs is to be dragged back into this chaos. What do you do with your feelings??? DEAL WITH THEM. You do NOT need to ACT on all your feelings.
2016-08-04 1:39 pm
Your ex husband is not only a abusive heartless and mean person
he is also a player and a liar
Do not beleive his lies
and move on for good

you deserve so much better
Get a new hair cut and few piece of new clothes
and start dating
You have a whole new life ahead of you ;; go for it
2016-08-04 1:35 pm
No they don't change. Past behaviour is the best indicator of future behaviour. Once a cheater always a cheater. Once a hitter always a hitter.
參考: Seen it too many times
2016-08-04 2:14 pm
Never do recinciliation with him bc he did not changed at all, but he pretend as changed and believed like as changed.

Guys could not completly changed, but he will repeat his cruel behavior when he loose temper or when his nerves are end.

Therefore, do not put yourself put in danger again.

Just allow him to see your kids as a father and allow him to support kids if it is required.
2016-08-05 11:06 pm
Have some self-respect, this beast put you and your child through hell and you are seriously considering letting this monster back into your life? OMG, you need therapy, and some self-esteem, be a mother, protect your baby, he won't change, he will go back to his old evil ways, DO NOT BE A VICTIM AGAIN!
2016-08-08 12:34 am
How can you even talk to this guy? He's hit you. How can you let him father your child and be her role model to what a man is. I'm sorry but you're being pathetic and someone should tell you. He's not a healthy good man and nobody should date him and he should not be anyone's dad. How can you ever attempt intimacy with a guy whose hit you... You need therapy and you're being a terrible mother...What do you think you're teaching your child, what can he teach her?
2016-08-05 2:59 pm
Many people can play theatre but few can be themselves this way...there are problems you are the same person ,abused and the same reasons exist in his mind.i was virgin,forced by clergy and the state- society to live,and the state has no mind but had procedures,while i though in thier supetiority i was wrong..in smth ..not forgiving..returned and after other years of rape,he had a child with other woman with no police checking that he kept me without money for divorce,on pills etc..and he left when i found out..about the child..i raised my voice ab smth else ..and i scared him to death probably..talking nice ,it means you congratulate him...he is best ...

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