I have a 28 day old female GS puppy. Ik its to young but it was getting abused. What do i feed it, WHAT DO I DO!!!! PLZ HELP.?

2016-08-04 8:08 am

回答 (2)

2016-08-04 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
You could go to a pet store, and buy a book about puppy care, along with the right kind of puppy food. Maybe non-tipping food and water dishes. Later on you'll want a dog bed, and a leash, plus a collar or a harness. After a certain age, it'll be required to have a license for your dog.

Most large grocery stores have special dog food for puppies.

Maybe your public library has some books on caring for puppies and dogs. You'll want something you can refer to as various questions come up.
2016-08-04 9:34 am
Looking at your questions you are THIRTEEN and in no way ready to cope with a German Shepherd anyway whatever the circumstances.

To take on a 28 day old puppy when you don't know how to raise a pup is ridiculous. You seem totally oblivious also that a pup taken from the dam and litter way too early will often end up with behavioural problems that you will not be able to deal with also.

Your best bet to help this puppy is phone a good rescue and let them take care of it and home it wisely. You have too many odds stacked against you with your age & experience, plus the fact this pup is highly likely to turn out 'difficult' in temperament as a consequence of leaving the litter too early.

I see the results of pups leaving the litter too young through rescue.
2016-08-04 8:33 am
Looking at your other questions of only yesterday, you were only "thinking" of getting German Shepherd puppy!
You did not mention any cruel pup owner.
So how come you have now got a 4 week old pup which SHOULD still be with its MOTHER and now you have no idea how to look after it.
Where did you get this pup from?
It NEEDS to be back with its mother.
However....without knowing all the circumstances I can only advise you to buy some puppy meal and read the instructions and feed the pup accordingly.
Ot may be wise to get some puppy milk replacer to feed for at least another week.
Expect the pup to have a bit of diareaha caused by its change of diet
There is info online on how to feed and care for 4-5 week old pups:>>https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=how+to+take+care+of+a+4+week+old+puppy

Update: Yes, I now see you are only 13 years old.
What are your parents thinking of to allow you to have a
4 week old Puppy and what are they doing about it?
Do as Lorraine suggests and surrender it to rescue if it is
not possible to take it back to its mother. I despair, I really do.
參考: German Shepherd Dog owner for 53 years.
2016-08-04 8:19 am
Why take it on if you don't know how to rear it? Sorry, but it's the first thing to come to mind. Weaning begins at around the end of week 3 going into week 4, depending on how well the litter is doing. And is done (we did) by starting to offer warmed goats milk and teaching each individual puppy to lap - some do it more easily than others. Once the puppies can do that (and this should be offered roughly 3 - 4 times a day with mum still providing most of the nourishment), you add a good quality puppy food to either warm water, or again goats milk, making it into a porridge consistency so the puppies can manage it. Again 4 times a day with mum still contributing. Once the puppies are all feeding well, and mum is out of there while they are feeding and only going back into the box to clean up and allow 'comfort suckling' standing up, you gradually feed the food with less softening - it's formulated for puppies with teeth to eat easily. Weaning should be complete by around 6 weeks with mum off the litter.

As it is, you'll have to take over although again it would be way better for this puppy to be with the breeder, and his siblings and MUM still.

Do you know whether the litter had mum's first milk because if not, they will have no natural immunity, and most vets would give an interim external vaccination at 6 weeks, against Parvo and Leptospirosis. If they did, then vaccination should begin by around 8 weeks - done too soon, before the natural immunity from mum has completely dropped away, it won't take and is pointless. Obviously the puppy shouldn't go anywhere on the ground off your property, and people coming in should remove shoes and wash hands.

ps Whatever was going on with this puppy should be REPORTED.
2016-08-04 2:27 pm
start with a wellness check with your vet .... ask lots and lots of question there
2016-08-04 9:49 am
Hitting a 28 day old puppy? Good job for removing it from danger! NOW...what about the rest of the litter? Mommy doggie? Are they being abused? Please call the animal authorities immediately!
As far a rearing a too young pup, read everything you can, go to a vet right away, youtube also has a huge source of info. The best advice is to keep it simple and stay vigilant. Be consistent no matter what. Puppy's digestive system is precious at this age.
Remember, it's a lot to bite off but you can do it. Get a support team (mom, dad, family, friends), AND GET A TRAINER because a GS can be a handful.
2016-08-04 5:53 pm
How sweet of you to rescue that little puppy! When I was a teen, my older sister called me to ask me what she should do about a tiny kitten she found. She said she saw the pregnant mother around the neighborhood, they saw her belly flat, then saw her dead! That kitten was so very tiny, it looks like his eyes just opened because he couldn't even stand on his own. I called a vet and the vet said it was too young, too. But I wouldn't give up. I went to the pet store, bought a kitten bottle and some kitten milk .... and he thrived! When it was estimated he was 10 weeks old, I found him a home. I visited him a year later, and he was a huge tomcat. You can save that 4-week old puppy - you basically have to give it your undivided attention for at least the next 2 weeks, or you can take it to a shelter, but a 4 week old puppy can definitely be saved. Good luck!
2016-08-04 9:09 am
Do what any sensible person would do,. know when they are out of their depth, phone your vet.
2016-08-06 4:58 am
Get a small box, get rubber water bottles, put them in the box, fill them with warm water, lay blankets on top of them, and have that for the dog to stay warm. Although he isn't newborn, you need to keep him warm. Of course this is only if you want to keep him.
2016-08-04 8:09 am
The previous owners weren't feeding her and were hitting her.

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