Do you like the WNBA?

2016-08-04 5:51 am

回答 (9)

2016-08-04 11:51 am
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I not a big WNBA person. Honestly I know some WNBA Players and Teams but not much.
2016-08-04 7:29 am
Kinda. There is talent (Skylar Diggins, Diana Taurasi, Candace Parker, Britney Griner, Delle Donne, K. Stewart, Maya Moore, etc...). However, my issue is that...

1) The marketing sucks. It's godawful. There's no enthusiasm or story or excitement. I'm not expecting WWE or Coach Carter type stories but at least something that will excite me. Every WNBA commercial revolves around "I'm here. We're playing basketball. We don't suck. Watch us. At 6 p.m. on whatever channel." No excitement. Now if it sounded like "Britney Griner, coming fresh off a historic championship run averaging 30 points and 7 blocks is put to the test against fellow rival Maya Moore hungry to redeem herself after the conference final missed shot. WNBA action. Rivalry taken to the next level. Tonight at 6 p.m on whatever channel" then we're talking. But until then. The marketing will always be garbage and thats 1/2 the reason why people aren't as interested.

2) I can't relate to it. As a guy, if I was to try to go pro I can't watch WNBA because they won't be the players I play against. Unless I'm either playing street ball or during all star weekend maybe, it's highly unlikely you'll see me play skylar diggins or whomever. However, it can be possible that I matchup with Chris Paul so I'll watch them, look at their moves and practice them for myself. Not to say WNBA players don't have moves but I'm not going to be training intensely to hopefully play the Los Angeles Sparks. Since I can't relate to it as much, it's less likely I'm going to watch it. Also, I'm always out training anyway for me to even watch WNBA.

Verdict: Do I like WNBA. Yes. I watched games live and like I said there's good talent. But bad marketing and the simple fact that I can't truly relate to them is why as much as I like the WNBA (I like basketball in general) I don't watch it as much.
2016-08-06 7:21 am
No..womens basketball was not ment to be entertaining, plus the girls aren't even attractive...
2016-08-06 4:24 am
I like it and respect it. Great players and great teams. Do I watch it? No. Pretty much the same as what TJ said, give him best answer.
2016-08-05 2:42 pm
Yes. The games are usually competitive. Good solid basketball
2016-08-04 11:20 pm
2016-08-04 2:14 pm
Candace Parker, Diana Tarausia, LA Sparks and Phoenix Mercury is all the things I can name.
2016-08-04 1:35 pm
Not particularly
2016-08-04 7:44 am
No. It doesn't interest me.

Honestly, I can't name half the WNBA teams.

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