Almost 15, will I get taller than 5'6?

2016-08-04 3:16 am
Last year I went for a checkup and I was told I was 5'5.75 which means I was 5 feet and 5 and three quarters inches tall. This year, I was told i am 5'6 which disappointed me because I wanted to be able to grow more but she said that I am almost done growing. I started doing stretches and tried getting enough sleep and proper diet. Do you think I'll grow taller? My mom is 5'2 and so is my sister but my dad is 5'10.

回答 (3)

2016-08-04 6:45 am
2016-08-04 3:18 am
You won't get any taller, son.
2016-08-04 3:16 am
Maybe a little taller but not that much taller

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