How do we socialize our Pitsky?

2016-08-03 11:33 pm
He's about 8mos and was given to us by a friend. He's very playful and friendly IF he knows you. When we have people over he can't stop jumping on them (still working on that) but walking him around strangers is quite the task. He barks and lunges a bit at them which of course frightens them and thus makes them afraid to pet him. We hate it because it makes him look aggressive and scary when he's quite the opposite. The previous owners said as a puppy he would walk up to people and sniff them but that he was also badly scratched by a cat once and that may be a reason he's so apprehensive now.

We talked about taking him to obedience classes when we find a reputable one we trust. I'd like to know what other owners have done with success. We keep hearing to introduce him to people each time we walk him and ask them to pet him but we're afraid he'll bite them.


回答 (2)

2016-08-03 11:45 pm
You cannot socialize an OUT OF CONTROL dog, who lunges at & scares people, and that you worry... MIGHT bite someone, if they DO attempt to pet him - while out on walks.

Stop making EXCUSES and dawdling.(Talking about doing it, ISN'T getting it DONE!) Time and the opportunity to properly socialize him-that you can't get back, is AWASTING! The dog's LIFE is AT STAKE, esp if he DOES bite somebody, given his mix - heaven forbid!

Call up your vet & ask for a REFERRAL to a good private trainer, or go online to the AKC website & look up clubs for your dog. You want training clubs or obedience clubs -that are listed for your state. Hopefully, there is something within your driving distance of say 1 hour of where you live (or less). At this point, I do NOT recommend any "pet stores". You need BETTER instruction... than THAT.

When you have him UNDER control, and able to GREET people PROPERLY = then, you can work on socializing him with strangers.
2016-08-03 11:52 pm
It is very common for pits & huskies to be this way due to ignorant BYBers. It is a genetic thing & not so much a behavioral thing. Not saying you can't work on it or fix it but it could be something you have to live with & hope & pray he don't bite a child. That would mean instant euthanasia. Both breeds are high strung & highly predisposed to aggression. They are very hard headed & stubborn & hard to train unless you know exactly what you are doing.

Never take him out into the public with out a muzzle. He is a dangerous dog. See if you have a dog training center near you. Avoid PetSmart & Petco at all costs. Basic obedience would help a lot if you can find the right place. One class a week for at least 8 weeks, then you practice at home until the next class. 7 basic commands & your dog will be trained in just the basics of Obedience.

There are many sites online about training your dog in Basic Obedience & there are lots of books on dog training. You could do this yourself but the secret is to be CONSISTENT.

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