College in the Philippines?

2016-08-03 10:34 pm
I attended middle school and high school in the U.S and I'll be heading to the Philippines for college. I've heard that my classmates are mostly likely younger than me because of the K-12 program that is being established. Also, can someone explain to me what that K-12 program is? How is college like in the Philippines? What are some things to expect?

回答 (3)

2016-08-04 9:00 am
K-12 means classes from Kindergarten to the 12th grade.
Expect to see
wholesale cheating
noisy classrooms
total disregard for the teacher
a diploma not accepted by the USA
a waste of time & money
2016-08-04 5:46 am
Education in the Philippines is crap. Their universities are not even listed in the top 500 universities worldwide. You can look it up "top 500 universities" (without quotes). If you come back the United States with your Philippine college diploma, most employers won't take the Philippine diploma seriously because there are college diploma mills in the Philippines. The average national I.Q. of average Filipinos is 86. Don't believe Filipinos who say their universities are the best in the world. They are suffering from pignoy pride mentality.
2016-08-04 1:50 am
in the philippines you can get kicked out of uni for not attending your classes or always being late to class, and not maintaining a high grade point average. in the states as long as you pass your exams and hand in your homework/projects in time, it's ok, attending classes isn't a must. schools in the phil. are much stricter than in the u.s. i think. and not all universities here have sororities/frats altho there are orgs you can join. as for sports, basketball (uaap) is big here but that's about it.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:53:09
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