Is this sentence correct? "I like the way you are wearing today." If not, why and what's the correct form?

2016-08-03 12:16 pm

回答 (5)

2016-08-03 12:19 pm
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"I like the way you are wearing today." is not correct because "you are wearing today" is not something you can like.

Either of these would work:
I like what you are wearing today.
I like the way you are dressed today.
2016-08-03 12:22 pm
I like what you are wearing today.

This comes under the heading of making personal remarks which may or may not be appropriate in some contexts.
2016-08-03 3:37 pm
nope. examples: i like the way you're wearing your hair today. i like the clothes you're wearing today.
參考: teacher of english as a foreign language.
2016-08-03 12:26 pm
You can dislike the way someone is wearing today, especially if they're wearing on you, but you can't like it. When someone is wearing, then you are finding their behavior or demeanor irritating. I think you mean to say, "I like what you're wearing today." That's saying the way they are dressed is especially appealing today.
2016-08-03 12:19 pm
It's correct from an artistic point of view. I like the sentence. It's a good one.

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