What you prefer 50 inch smart tv or 50 inch led tv?

2016-08-03 7:23 am

回答 (3)

2016-08-03 2:54 pm
Most smart televisions are also LED back lit.

Adding streaming services including playing computer files from your PC in another room, Netflix, etc., is very handy. External media servers ARE better, but take up HDMI ports and are a bit more complex for family members to use.
2016-08-03 7:24 am
Both are backlit by LEDs.

Next question?
2016-08-03 5:33 pm
If you can get a LED HD or 4K TV without the "smart" features, do it. The "smart" features are not worth the extra cost.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:28:10
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