Let x ◦ y = (x − 2y)2 for all integers x and y. Which of the following is the value of 5 ◦ (−3)?

2016-08-03 7:02 am

回答 (3)

2016-08-03 7:07 am
x ◦ y = (x - 2y)²

5 ◦ (-3)
= [5 - 2(-3)]²
= [5 + 6]²
= 11²
= 121
2016-08-03 8:45 am
Suppose x ring y = (x - 2y)2 for all integers x & y. Then, for (x,y) = (5,-3),
x ring y = (5 - 2[-3])2 = (11)2. I'm not sure if the poser of the question
means (x - 2y)^2..[1] or (x - 2y)*2..[2]. Answer is 121 or 22 according as [1]
or [2] holds.
2016-08-03 7:03 am
x by 5
y by (−3)
the formula of x ◦ y

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