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"A majority of individuals who develop schizophrenia -- 63 percent -- do not have any family history of schizophrenia in first-degree (parents and siblings) or second-degree (grandparents, aunts, and uncles) relatives".
Dr. Torrey also notes, however, that "the more relatives you have with schizophrenia, the higher your risk is of developing it. From a practical point of view this means that if your sister is your only close relative with schizophrenia, your own risk is very low. If, on the other hand, your uncle and sister both have schizophrenia, then your risk is higher. And if you are unfortunate enough to come from one of the relatively rare families that are heavily loaded with the disorder (e.g., mother, aunt, grandfather, and two siblings affected), then your own risk is substantially higher and you should give serious consideration to the question of having children."