Is it common for children to physically fight with their parents? :(?

2016-08-02 9:45 pm
My mother was an alcoholic since I was born(she had postpartum depression), and I was a child with a pervasive developmental delay. I was very spirited and had a lot of tantrums many times.

When I was 11-13 and got a little bigger though, a lot of anger and disappointment surfaced from my mom's drinking and our arguments escalated to slapping, hair-pulling, even biting sometimes, me pulling a knife on her, and even once I was so frustrated that I pushed her down our very small set of backdoor stairs once(when I say small I mean like 3 steps).

My mom died from alcohol poisoning when I was 13(I'm 22 now). I now feel TERRIBLE that I did all of this stuff to her as a kid, because when she was sober she was the greatest mom :( I just wan't to know if I'm alone in my actions or not. Is it common for young kids to do things like this? Especially children of alcoholic parents?

回答 (4)

2016-08-02 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In a healthy family, this doesn't happen. What you did was not right, but it a definitely understandable in your situation. I feel so bad for you! (Virtual hug) The past is the past and you can learn from your mother's mistake if you choose to be a parent. You need to forgive what she did to your childhood, but you also need to forgive yourself. I'll be praying for you. :)
2016-08-02 9:51 pm
No, it's not common...but your situation wasn't common.
Seek some therapy to get over your feelings of guilt. It was a tough childhood for you..
2016-08-02 10:51 pm
its probably not common but it happens, i didnt do all that but one time when i was a teenager my mother got mad at me for something and slapped me in the face, i got mad and slapped her back, im not proud of it, my parents are both gone now and i still feel bad about it
2016-08-02 9:55 pm
Well you're covering, or trying to, your guilt with her drinking as an excuse. To heal, you have to accept that YOU think you did something very wrong. That said, if she was physically violent toward you, you did nothing wrong. If she wasn't, you were still young and stupid. Teenage years are hard and oh so excutiating to navigate and having your own mother fail you made it that much worse. Forgive yourself. I don't know if it's common, but I know I never raised a hand to my parents and my mother was also an alcoholic. However, she never abused me physically either. Had she when I was 13? I probably would have beat her drunk ***. If my son hits me, he knows he better take his best shot. I don't hit him and the day he hits me - hit me like a tough man, I'll beat your *** like one. You'll leave knowing I refuse to fear my own child, whom I don't make fear me.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:29:04
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