Can Acetone hydrogen bond with itself? why does it have a lower boiling point than cyclohexane?

2016-08-02 9:19 pm

回答 (2)

2016-08-02 9:43 pm
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Acetone (CH₃-CO-CH₃) cannot form hydrogen bond with itself. Although the O atom in acetone molecule is negative enough, none of the six H atoms is positive enough to form hydrogen bond.

Both acetone and cyclohexane (C₆H₁₂) are simple molecular compounds. The van der Waals' forces in cyclohexane are stronger than the van der Waals' forces in acetone because cyclohexane has a greater molecular size. Hence, acetone has a lower boiling point.
2016-08-02 11:20 pm
All things considered, Acetone has a notably higher boiling point compared to cyclohexane.

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