How would you do this maths binomial expansion question? I have no idea. <>?

2016-08-02 5:07 pm

How would I do this question, I couldn't add the picture so here's the URL

回答 (1)

2016-08-02 5:33 pm
(1 + 5x)⁹ = 1 + 45x + 900x² + ......

Put x = 0.01 :
[1 + 5*(0.01)]⁹ = 1 + 45*(0.01) + 900*(0.01)² + ......

When n ≥ 3, (0.01)ⁿ becomes very small and can be negligible.
Hence, [1 + 5*(0.01)]⁹ ≈ 1 + 45*(0.01) + 900*(0.01)²
(1.05)⁹ ≈ 1.54

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:27:27
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