What is the difference between "It was originated" and "It originated"? Thank you so much.?

2016-08-02 11:40 am

回答 (5)

2016-08-02 11:49 am
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"It was originated by (a named person or organisation)" emphasises that the person or organisation had the idea to get something started.

"It originated...." is more general. E.g. "Christianity originated in the Middle East." - it does not state exactly how or when that thing/idea started. This form is the form more often in use.
2016-08-09 3:36 pm
Was originated....not correct verb conjugation......It originated is correct.

Mo English teacher
2016-08-02 11:47 am
It was originated = passive voice. It originated = active voice. I wouldn't even use the passive voice here at all--it is unnecessary because both mean the same thing, so it's better to use the active voice in this case.
2016-08-02 12:55 pm
it was (past participle) is a form of passive voice. the idea is that the subject is actually the object of the finished act (the past participle). Passive voice is used to change the meaning from one of the subject performing the action to one of the subject being affected by the action.

With originate, the word is, of itself, a reflexive concept, and thus there is no proper use of passive voice. Something cannot originate something else. The origin is of the nature of the thing being discussed, and cannot be thought of in terms of another thing performing the action of origin. You would have to use a word like "create" instead.
2016-08-02 12:01 pm
No real difference, just an extra unneeded word (was).

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