Is it important to have an active sex life?

2016-08-02 9:11 am

回答 (104)

2016-08-02 12:54 pm
No, there are more things in life than having sex all the time.
2016-08-02 9:14 am
To some. Not everyone needs sex.
2016-08-02 5:33 pm
No, you don't need sex, its just something you and your partner do because it fun and enjoyable! but you should only get the enjoyment from someone you care about and love!
2016-08-03 1:26 pm
No, the only person you should be having sex with is your spouse, sex is a gift from God to those who are married. The world has taken this beautiful thing and turned it into something else. Really? You are going to go around having sex with a woman or man like they are just some tool because you have a "feeling"? Then what's next the relationship is going to get boring then your going to break up with the person and move to someone else. You should only have an active sex life with your spouse who you will be with until you die.
2016-08-02 11:18 am
Sex is Life
2016-08-03 11:59 am
Sex is a part of life but it isn't what makes life worth living. Other comments are just a bunch of sex driven men/women with a bias opinion. If you have no sex life you can be just as happy as someone who gets it on 24/7. Sex is just a few minutes of pleasure and a life time of a headache of a boyfriend/girlfriend or a child. I think people who prioritize sex are very shallow people.
2016-08-03 1:27 pm
Not really. Sex only seems important when you've either never gotten it or are going through a long dry stretch. It's fun, but there are other things that make life equally worthwhile.
2016-08-02 3:25 pm
No. Sex becomes less important the older you get.
2016-08-02 9:16 am
It is important but love is more important
2016-08-03 4:43 am
Not really no. Sex is heathy, fun (very fun), but one can have the best sex life in the world and be miserable. I know a few who fit the bill. Sex out the yingyang but no one let in as a real friend.
2016-08-02 5:03 pm
2016-08-02 2:35 pm
It's based how you feel. How important is it? Someone has their drive for something. Really since no one in high school liked me enough to make mine active. With that I might just wait till marriage. It's just what you feel is right. Don't make other people tell you what to do about it they can't make the right judgement than you can. Understand where comments for this comes from.
2016-08-02 1:30 pm
Not necessarily but it sure makes living much more doable.
2016-08-02 1:45 pm
I guess it is for me. Otherwise I can get frustrated and I'm more irritable than usual.
2016-08-02 9:46 am
2016-08-03 5:54 pm
2016-08-02 5:12 pm
2016-08-02 4:03 pm
2016-08-02 1:48 pm
2016-08-02 11:12 am
its good to have one, but not most important
2016-08-02 9:20 pm
You can do whatever you want with your body. In a relationship sex can be an important thing, if both parties consent of course. Sex and intimacy or any kind, holding hands, kissing, sleeping together (clothed or otherwise) can bring you both closer together.
If you're single, and you want to have sex with people, go ahead! But be aware of your own sexual health. If you're single and don't want to sleep with anyone, then that's fine too. Go with what you feel and what makes you happy and comfortable.
Hope this helps!
2016-08-02 9:13 am
if you don't like to be crazy - sure
2016-08-02 9:15 am
Yes, I breathe SEX
2016-08-05 3:13 am
Yes, for your physical and emotional health. Also to maintain your long term relationship or marriage...
2016-08-04 5:27 am
sex is a part of life. it is also most importance need of life to live. without sex there will be nothing no production and so so..
acoording to question yes sex important to have an active sex life
2016-08-04 2:12 am
No it should take a little to nothing of your life not a chunk of it
2016-08-04 1:54 am
Not really. Most people don't have an active sex life and some never had a sexual relationship.
2016-08-04 1:51 am
Meh, I don' think sticking your d*ck in someone, or having a d*ck stuck in you for a few minutes is that important. There are better ways to connect with people.
2016-08-03 10:24 pm
I wouldn't say so.

Sex isn't the all and end all. I suppose it depends on the people individually.

I don't need sex to be happy. Where as I am sure my partner would be happier having more sex. Sex isn't my priority.
2016-08-03 7:14 pm
For both genders, it's good to have an occasional bump n' grind.

It's good to get knocked up because if women don't use their ovaries, it can cause problems.

Also penetration is good for a man's prostate because it reduces their chances of getting cancer.

But too much sex can lead to cervix cancer, testicular cancer, STDs/STIs, even heart attacks (when you orgasm, your heart beats fast).
參考: Parents and friends in the medical field. Studied sex education in high school. Experience.
2016-08-03 5:53 pm
its important enough to feel comfortable with that person and yourself that you can just let go and have the ride of your life, body orgasm. Not shy and just doing it to please someone or feel uncomfortable with it.
2016-08-03 4:41 pm
It seems to be for a lot of people, but in my opinion no. I think it is possible to live a happy life without engaging in sex at all.
2016-08-03 1:52 pm
2016-08-03 11:20 am
Not for me.... i can do without it.... but it is for some people
2016-08-03 12:32 am
2016-08-02 11:11 pm
No because people just look at you as an object not a real person not for what u really r they r just out for attention
2016-08-02 11:06 pm
2016-08-02 10:50 pm
2016-08-02 10:15 pm
Yes it's important but not the most important.
2016-08-02 9:17 am
maybe but you cant die of not bonking
2016-08-03 8:41 pm
Only if your married and the person your having sex with it your spouse. Other wise it's wrong. It's not just wrong but disgusting
2016-08-02 11:46 am
It is quite individual.
2016-08-03 1:53 pm
2016-08-03 2:37 am
Most definitely I live for sex! Lol
2016-08-03 12:21 am
Depends on age and marital status.
2016-08-02 6:44 pm
2016-08-02 11:16 am
Yes it is
2016-08-02 10:06 am
Yes it is my friend.
2016-08-02 9:54 am
I'm a b*tch, so guess what..
2016-08-02 11:46 pm
You asked wrong.. A sex life includes other people.. You asked wrong because for some people to stay mentally well and healthy it is important for them to have regular sexual gratification.. For those people sex is the best but also masterbation will make do.
Everyone is different though and I know guys and girls who feel fine going weeks or even months without it.
For me once a day is good but I can go even up to 4 times a day.
If I go more than 2 days without then I can't concentrate properly in work etc and even start to get a short fuse and find it hard to control my temper.
Sex or sexual gratification regularly makes me feel complete and like I have a place / am wanted in this world from that it helps make me be who I want to be and I then find it easier to help others and be good willing in my life and work.
Without it I bet I would be a crappy person, but luckily I have a gf who's like me who I've been with for over 8 years, from this we are both very successful and happy
2016-08-02 9:13 am
Yes. It's not necessarily the most important thing but I like sex and I want sex. I could wait for a bit but I'm not gonna go months and months or years without sex
2016-08-07 12:01 pm
2016-08-06 12:48 pm
2016-08-05 7:57 pm
Yes if a man and a woman are very much in love it would be nice if they did.
2016-08-05 11:16 am
Yeuk, why r u even asikn gthis?!?!? there r even younger ppl than u and might get persuaded o have sex after reading this post.
2016-08-05 6:13 am
No, In fact the only person who you should be having sex with is someone who you genuinely love. Ideally your wife/husband.
2016-08-04 11:23 pm
2016-08-04 7:44 pm
if it aint active- you dont have one
2016-08-04 3:28 pm
2016-08-04 11:55 am
2016-08-04 11:47 am
2016-08-04 11:00 am
Of course!
2016-08-04 10:47 am
YES. In a book written by an M.D. doctor he clearly says---after a certain old age, you do it or lose it. Yes, I am talking about impotence. So, be cautious. Don't say, I didn't warned you !
2016-08-04 10:06 am
Yes, it is!
2016-08-04 9:19 am
Nope, Don't to do sex because This will make you old and sick with uncure able diseases.Many dangerous germs are at your vagina and penis they will tried to eat your liver and hear and trab you in a Ebola virus, zika virus, hepetit,HIV, all types of cancer, makr your older, hair colouf will change
but but but
only do 1 clean and safe sex with wife in a week or month.
2016-08-04 8:09 am
You don't actually think nature blessed men with penis's that become erect just to plss through do you? And why else would women have an orafice known as a vagina attached to a uterus? If we don't have sex, we're just being ungrateful of what nature blessed us with.
2016-08-04 5:30 am
No, but I'm pretty sure you'd be happier if you had one
參考: My own brain
2016-08-04 4:49 am
2016-08-04 4:45 am
2016-08-04 3:35 am
For me it is the only important thing.
2016-08-04 2:45 am
not at all. don't follow the ways of the world....
2016-08-04 2:44 am
2016-08-04 1:20 am
2016-08-04 1:19 am
Or a functioning hand, yes.
2016-08-04 1:11 am
nah, the hand in my case is all the love I need
2016-08-04 1:03 am
Not necessarily
2016-08-03 10:21 pm
2016-08-03 8:42 pm
Yes I suppose
2016-08-03 8:23 pm
2016-08-03 6:50 pm
No. What is important is what society tells us. We don't know if they're right or not, we can only guess.
2016-08-03 4:14 pm
2016-08-03 3:50 pm
2016-08-03 3:45 pm
It is important to have an ACTIVE LIFE. ;)
2016-08-03 3:32 pm
Yes, good sex makes you healthier and increases your lifespan. So if you're one of those pathetic loser virgin guys it means you're going to die sooner hahaha :D
2016-08-02 4:39 pm
O, SURE !!!
2016-08-03 1:51 pm
Yes, I have one with my hand
2016-08-03 12:57 pm
more then important say must based on reflection which well organised by our god
2016-08-03 12:54 pm
2016-08-03 12:49 pm
depends on your perspective and gender i think (i know I'm sexist, but cannot change it)
2016-08-03 8:14 am
Not in Veteran Administration Hospitals where
serving men and women have had injury to their
mental and physical reproductive practice treated.
Out-patient care may or might not be effective
for propagation purposes ; however active.
2016-08-02 10:09 pm
Do what you want. It's your body. Never feel pressured to do something uncomfortable.
2016-08-02 9:28 pm
I'd like it.
2016-08-03 9:52 am
2016-08-03 9:12 am
Shut up! You don't have to remind me that my ship is sunk!
2016-08-03 9:07 am
Not unless you want an std
2016-08-03 6:47 am
2016-08-03 6:15 am
2016-08-03 2:11 am
You know the old sayin': if you don't use it, your penis will eventually become flaccid. Or something to that effect.
2016-08-03 1:33 am
life=sex, eat, sleep, work, die
2016-08-03 1:24 am
2016-08-02 8:41 pm
Hell, yes!
2016-08-02 6:23 pm
2016-08-03 6:25 am
for a married people, YES!
2016-08-02 9:47 pm
yes it is proven having a good sex life extends your life by 4 years to 6 years
2016-08-02 2:36 pm
Yes ofcourse

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