I can't get horny or climax (Female)?

2016-08-02 8:08 am
My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 months and for the last 2 months I have not been able to get in the mood for sex. We have tried foreplay, watching porn, talking "dirty" but nothing works and i have no idea what to do. (Also I don't masturbate)

回答 (2)

2016-08-02 8:15 am
There's nothing that can be done about that unfortunately.
Foreplay, porn, "talking dirty" etc. should be what arouses you.
But if none of them work then it's because you don't have a high sex drive.
Or maybe your boyfriend doesn't turn you on enough.

How old are you? I would take a guess and say that you're young.
If you are young then your sex drive may increase as you get older.
And, you can't climax unless you're turned on.

One tip to make yourself really turned on, is to masturbate with a bath faucet.
I do not know one girl who won't get turned on from it.
All you got to do is sit in the bath with your clit under the tap and let the water run on your clit.
It feels absolutely amazing and I guarantee it will make you really horny!
Definitely try it! Just don't get addicted to it because it wastes water.
2016-08-02 8:12 am
maybe you just with the wrong person??? usually when you have a emotional connection you want sex as well

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