2016-08-01 10:03 pm
I can't sing at all, And No I'm NOT just saying that to put myself down.
I really mean it, I can't sing. It just comes out as an Ugly Version of My Voice. And cracked.
BUT whenever I whisper sing it sounds Okay. I can also Whisper Scream (like screaming in heavy Metal) In a Whisper. And it's weird, but Cool. Yet really sucks since I can't sing at all without whispering.

In the future I want to be a Lead Singer and a Part time Guitarist, but it's weird since I can't sing. lol.
But for now I just really want to get a Good grade in Chorus, (Someone else signed me up and I couldn't go back on it.) And I just get sick of getting made fun of for it, It's happened since Elementary School. But honestly I'd look stupid even if I could sing, but whatever, I just wanna know what you guys think.
Any advice?
Thanks :)

Thanks for the answers I really appreciate it :)

回答 (12)

2016-08-02 4:04 am
If you can't sing, make a career out of it! It worked for Ciara, Ashanti, Kesha, Rihanna, Keri Hilson, Tinashe, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Chris Brown and many more.
2016-08-01 11:17 pm
Okay practicing everyday is extremely helpful but with the voice cracking it means your vocal cords are comfortable which is technically a good thing when your NOT singing lol. Anyhow just make sure your voice is clear, take a drink of water before starting try to relax your muscles and sit up straight because when your hunched over it effects how the sound comes out, also you can do warm ups do NOT expect them to sound good they aren't supposed to they are to warm up your vocal cords to switch into that harmony side. When you sing you should sit up straight or you should stand, the best posture for singing is standing. Also looking in the mirror while singing helps it has been proven, I don't know how it works but it does... Hope this helps just do all this everyday and it should be fine comment on my answer if you don't have any ideas with warm ups if you have been in a choir class then you should have some if not I could tell you or you can use youtube and google for suggestions. Mainly try to go up the scale. Also you may very well be tone deaf you never know but just lightly press your finger on the back of you ear and you can check your key easier hope this helps, good luck.
2016-08-02 1:11 am
if you love it- do it! singings fun! dont listen to anyone with negative comments. just enjoy what you do and build your confidence. own your unique voice.
2016-08-01 10:31 pm
Maybe you can practice everyday. Practice makes perfect! Or do singing lessons. You can see why you can not sing without whispering by going to the doctor too. I hoped that helped, have a great day!
2017-02-16 1:52 am
參考: Become Pro Singer http://SingingLessons.fastsolut.info/?96Rl
2016-08-04 4:09 pm
Practice buddy
2016-08-04 5:46 am
if you cant sing ,do something else...not only singing is music,u can play musical instrument...your instrument sing which your voice cannot.
2016-08-04 1:45 am
Sometimes practice can help. I'm also not a good singer but through practicing singing in KTVs I notice it became better. Everything has room for improvement, just need to practice like everything in this world. And choice of song for your voice would also be a good help
2016-08-03 11:09 pm
Either can I don't worry
2016-08-02 9:34 am
do you smoke cigarettes
2016-08-02 7:23 am
NO-ONE is a born singer! All one has to be able to do beforehand is to carry a tune and the rest will follow during OFFLINE one-on-one lessons with a GOOD vocal teacher. Besides, the best and most honest feedback comes from a trained vocal teacher after an OFFLINE one-on-one audition. Therefore:

Either start saving money for OFFLINE one-on-one lessons with a GOOD vocal teacher, join a choir or find yourself another interest.

In fact, it takes obviously some talent, some luck, LOTS of patience, diligence, courage, hard work, dedication and LOTS of lessons with a GOOD vocal teacher. Besides, your voice will keep maturing until you are in your mid-30s so you need a lot of TIME as well. Therefore:

Sorry, but THE ONLY SAFE way to learn the correct singing techniques & to improve properly IS to take OFFLINE face-to-face singing lessons with a fully trained vocal teacher! The teacher HAS TO BE in the same room with you, so that he/she can give you proper feedback. However, even the best teachers in the world cannot make wonders, so please be realistic with this. Singing lessons are NOT going to help if one is tone-deaf! Please do NOT rely on any dodgy web tutorials because that way you can misunderstand things VERY EASILY and develop bad habits, hoarseness, vocal nodules and other nasties IN NO TIME, and even though you would sound good! It is always much wiser to invest a little bit of your money/time to face-to-face lessons rather than wasting the same amount of money (or even more!) to frequent ear-nose-throat specialist visits due to aforementioned problems, so please reconsider this. If you can't afford vocal lessons, then joining a choir is the only SAFE alternative option. And believe me, but even MANY of those who have music as their hobby DO take lessons as well! Always remember to warm up your voice properly, but please know your limits and don't overdo your voice! Remember the diaphragmatic support, do not strain your throat too much! Also, remember good body posture! Avoid fizzy drinks (burp danger), dairy products (mucus risk), caffeinated products (coffee & tea included, they dry up your throat) and spicy food (irritation risk)! You can consume these things, but NEVER before singing! Do NOT shout, yell, scream nor otherwise abuse your voice AT ANY TIME! Also, please respect your vocal range; if your teacher says you are, say, more of an alto (baritone if you are male), then you ARE more of an alto (baritone).

However: DO NOT try to imitate anyone famous, that will usually give you just bad habits and even damage your throat. You are YOU and your voice is unique, so please learn to cherish that. The world does NOT need copycats.

Do NOT sing, whisper, shout, yell nor scream if having a sore throat/cold/flu, Also, do speak as little as you can if you have flu/cold/sore throat! Remember to drink at least 2 litres of room-temperature still water every day, not just during singing days! Smoking is a big no-no, as is inhaling secondhand smoke. Also, avoid staying in dusty and/or moldy environment.

There you go, leave it or take it, but self-help is as DANGEROUS as trying to perform a minor surgery on oneself after watching how it is done in an episode of Chicago Hope or Holby City. And, sometimes one needs to sacrifice things in order to find the best vocal teacher for oneself.
參考: a student of speech-language-voice therapy
2016-08-02 5:22 am
The reality is that singing isn't for everyone. Why subject yourself to ridicule by allowing some else sign you up for choir. Why would the choir director allow that to happen without testing your voice? Is it your pride that prevents you from saying no?

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