I start highschool tommorow and im nervous?

2016-08-01 9:50 pm
Ok so im starting 9th grade tommorow and im nervous.Im really nervous and i have had so much diarrhea because im so nervous. I feel like i coud vomit

回答 (3)

2016-08-01 10:48 pm
Take a dump and barf, then go to school.
2016-08-02 5:23 am
My freshman year was almost 5 years ago. To me, it was just like any other first day of school, except at a bigger school with bigger kids. Nothing really fancy about my school.

Just go like you normally have been in the past. If your friends are going to the same school as you are, hang out with them in your free time. Don't sweat it. High school isn't exactly how you see on movies and shows; for the most part. I'm sure that a lot of other kids are as nervous, if not more than you, so don't worry about it.
2016-08-01 9:54 pm
That's how i always feel. Don't worry, it will go away. Just talk to friends, ask for help to get around the school, talk to lots of nice people, and make sure you have an outfit picked out already so you don't have to rush on your first day. Also, do something to your hair before going to sleep so that when you wake up you don't have to mess with it much. I always straighten my hair the night before my first day of school. You could do that or you can tie it up or put your hair in braids and take it out when you wake up.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:27:31
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