Fun ideas of something fun I could do at inside without many materials?

2016-08-01 9:46 pm
I get bored a lot at home and often end up spending way too much time on electronic devices, any ideas on what I could do?

回答 (2)

2016-08-01 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is the time to pursue crafts, hobbies, and/or interests. You can become quite knowledgeable about metal music, C++ programming, or art with only the internet to instruct you. You can get good at baking bread (which isn't easy), cooking meals, or refinishing or painting curb-find furniture. You can sew simple useful things like totes and drawstring bags, or go for clothing once you gain basic skills. You can make candles or bead jewelry. You can grow a garden of flowers or edibles if there's a yard or community garden. You can read ahead for school and/or for your own pleasure. You can study movies--all the works of a director or a favorite actor, in order, seeing how they change and improve. You can get deeply into volunteerism, from politics to poverty. You can get fit, in the best physical shape of your life. You can explore area neighborhoods and parks.

This is time you can utilize to gain skills, knowledge, and pleasure. Don't waste it, okay?
2016-08-02 3:45 am
i hangout with my friend and we do photography and take funny photos

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