I'm going to be a college junior in Fall 2016, but right now my cumulative GPA is only a 2.2! Is it still possible to raise it to a 2.6-2.8?

2016-08-01 5:53 pm
It's really my own fault because I stopped trying after I failed to get admitted to a vocal performance program that I really wanted, and started majorly screwing up in school from the end of my freshman year of college, and failed three classes. I really am planning to step things up this year, but what if I can't do it?
I'm an English major now, and I want to go into teaching it at the K-12 level. But what if I can't get in to grad school, even with trying at this point? What if I get on academic probation because my grades in college fall beneath a 2.0 after next semester? My grades in college English classes have been mostly B+'s and B's, though I did get one C- in a creative writing class because I didn't try last year in it. My academic weaknesses are math and science, particularly because I have dyscalculia (a learning disability). However, I don't plan to just hole myself in my dorm room all year and slack off. I'm actually going to try, read the material, try to keep up with the rest of the class, and get help from tutors when I need it.
I know, it's largely my own fault for screwing up, I plan to change that this year, but what if that's not enough to raise my 2.2 gpa to 2.6-2.8? What if it's not enough to get into grad school after I graduate college, if I can manage to graduate college that is?

There is an Education major, but you need a 2.8 minimum to apply, and there is a multi-educational level AYA (Adolescent and Young Adult) teaching program that allows students to teach things like Foreign languages, music, etc.

回答 (3)

2016-08-01 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Talk to the education advisor on campus to find out what you must do to quality to teach English right out of undergrad. It may simply be that you need to add in student teaching, or a certain amount of education classes plus student teaching. Do this in your first week back from summer, so you can work on fitting in what you're missing. Also talk to her about what you can do to boost your employability - is there a secondary specialization you can take on that is in high demand (bilingual ed? special ed?) Would having experience with student drama help? Etc. Then add those things in.

The Praxis exam has math on it. You may want to do serious, formal prep for the Praxis before you take it, including working with a tutor if needed, so you can pass the math section.

All that said, there are online GPA calculators you can use to figure out how many classes you must take, at what grades, to raise your GPA to a certain level. Google "raise my GPA calculator" and enter the info to figure out what is possible in the time you have left.

As Drip said, don't wait until you need a tutor to get one. You know math is where your LD is. Get a tutor from week one in any math class you must take (likewise for science or any other difficult class), and work with them at least once per week for the entire term. Usually, by the time you struggle, you've missed too much - so go early and go often.
2016-08-01 6:17 pm
Is it possible for you to get all A's?
Most graduate schools require at least a 3.0 GPA
Will your school allowing into the education department with your GPA ? You need an education major/degree to teach in a public school at this level of education. And they , most likely, will require you to narrow down the grades you want to teach. teaching degree normally will not give you qualifications to teach anywhere from K-12 th grade

You will not need a Masters degree to find a job as a teacher in grades k-12. After teaching for some years you may be able to get into a grad program, even with a undegrad GPA under 3.0.

Right now consentrate on this upcoming semester.
Go to every class.
Participate in class. Add to the decussion , ask questions. Take notes.
Annotate while reading. Break up large assignments.
Know what needs to be done each week and each day. Write lists.
Plan where and when you will study. Go to the campus library to study.
Do not wait until you NEED to go for tutoring. Go to the tutoring center on a regular bases. Every week. Check campus for special needs help with your math classes. Study with other students.
Schedule out your week. Not only for study time, but have a routine. Laundry done on Wednesday nights, exercise Sarurday mornings. (Do exercise it will help) Friday night to just stay in and watch movies, play video games, Saturday nights. To go out with friends, Sunday afternoons to catch up on school work, then have a good meal,
2016-08-01 6:06 pm
To ge to 2.6-2.8, you'd need to get 3.0-3.4 for everything remaining.

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