Can you hear the different between mp3 and flac format music?

2016-08-01 4:25 pm
Two days ago I found out about flac music format and i read somewhere that its meant to sound better or something along those lines. The files are about 5-7 times larger than mp3 and since the kbps is over 1000 I automatically think that it sounds. But does it really?

回答 (7)

2016-08-01 7:52 pm
Whether you can hear a difference or not, FLAC is Much better than MP3.

Any lossless codec such as FLAC, Windows Media Audio Lossless,
WAV, or, in particular, good old linear PCM (CD audio)
is Always better than any lossy codec like MP3.

One of the key things about this is that when you copy a recording from
a lossless original, you don't lose anything because of the original format.

Copying To a lossy format such as MP3 is bad enough;
copying From it to anything else leaves you
with an inferior copy of an inferior original.

Try making copies from the analog output of an MP3 source
to another MP3 device several times (D/A and A/D passes)
and hear what happens, then do it with lossless codecs.
You will Definitely be able to tell the difference That way!

If you need a little help, find a local audio nut who has
all the equipment needed to demonstrate the principles.
2016-08-01 4:30 pm
A high kbps means more details in the sound. Let compression means less made up note, which improve the accuracy of the copy. So if you are listening in a quite place and with good speaker or headphones, you will hear the difference.
2016-08-02 12:41 am
Nope. I can't. In fact most people can't but many will tell you they can. It's a snobbish thing.
2016-08-31 2:43 pm
The question is not whether you can hear a difference, but whether you consider the difference significant.
2016-08-13 11:46 am
Without a doubt everyone can hear a difference if they know what to listen for. The better the audio playback system the bigger the difference you will hear in how it's recorded, how it's mastered, and the format it's recorded in. If you can't hear a difference it is most likely because of the quality of your playback equipment. Those that say they can't and you shouldn't, and there are many, simply have never heard mp3's and higher resolution music played back on a decent system to compare them. And many will even try and tell you the math and science proves there is no difference, for instance some mention if you can't hear above 20khz you won't hear a difference. Lol that is far from the truth, and that's not the point, all of sounds are effected and compromised when converted down to lower sample rates. If you have a computer and take s piece of music and listen to it at its native format and then down convert it you will hear it go down in quality at each point is being converted to a lesser resolution. And that's what you hear, the music sounds less open, less alive, more compressed, and simply less musical as its being down converted. Also listen to cymbals, and string instruments, they sound harsh and even grainy sounding when compared to higher bit rate music. So yes there is a difference, you simply need to be able to compare the two and ideally on a decent quality playback system to appreciate the higher resolution music files.

40 years high end audio video specialist
2016-08-02 10:10 am
The answer is to listen. DO you hear a difference ? Even a 10-year old with good hearing can't hear sounds above 20 Khz., so the only benefit of a system which can copy such sounds is that re-recording will be more accurate.
There will be a bigger difference between poor and good hearing, and poor and good hi-fi systems, than between recording formats.
A higher proportion of people now have a hearing loss, due to exposure to powerful sound systems. If you are an adult who likes music, it may pay to get your hearing checked. For those with a significant hearing loss, and I am one, the use of hearing aids makes a big difference to the enjoyment of music.
2016-08-02 6:01 pm
I think I will need a multi thousand dollar dac alone. Then multi thousand dollar speakers, amps, preamps, headphones, cables, wires, etc etc etc for it to reveal the humongous difference that people claim. For it to bring out the flawlessness of flac and dirtiness of mp3's. I can't really tell on my setup. I like to think it is a good setup but to audiophiles will laugh at it. I have done some testing and comparisons and I will have to go with yes I can hear for the most part. But it was just very very slight. Sometimes getting it way wrong. Little difference to no difference. You gotta remember that many audiophiles are very hardheaded. Getting them to admit or do or try something is not going to happen. By the way, anyone comparing the lowest 128 to flac lossless whatever, their credibility is gone.

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